I am trying to deploy Workfront Enhanced Connector over our AEM CS using the documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/integrations...
My build is getting successful without any error, but I am not able to see "Workfront Tools Configuration" connector under cloud services or a system user "workfront-tools" as written in documentation.
Please help me knowing, where I am doing the mistake and which specific log should I check for this issue?
I have followed the below steps:
Also, created a group "wf-workfront-users" in AEM UserGroups as stated in documentation.
Can you please help me in this?
Thanks in advance,
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Hello @harshu_4u,
Make sure you did not miss the step of updating the filter.xml with the rule for /apps/<path-to-project-install-folder>
Hello @A_H_M_Imrul,
Yes, the filter.xml is already updated. Just to make sure the current entry in all/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml is below:
And my <target> in "all" module pom.xml is
Is this correct?
1 more point: Adobe says "As of June 2022, Adobe released a new native integration for connecting Workfront with Adobe Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service. This integration has become the required method for connecting these two solutions. Any future new implementation of the enhanced connector (1.9.8 and later) to connect Workfront with AEM Assets as a Cloud Service is blocked."
My connector version is 1.9.13, does it mean it will not work? If yes, can you direct me to the native integration documentation as all documentation still using enhanced connector.
Can you please help here?