Let us say we have two web sites, one for en and one for fr.
Each needs authors for content creation and approvers for content approval/publishing.
The authors for en site are different from those of fr.
The same is true for approvers.
The content created by en authors should go to en approvers for approval and same is the case with fr.
How do we go about implementing this functionality?
Is it MSM, that comes to our rescue?
Appreciate your responses.
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Hi, You will have to use 'dynamic participant step' and assign the users/groups based on the payload path. You can refer [1] and [2] for the same
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/dynamic-steps.html
[2] http://adobeaemclub.com/workflow-dynamic-participant-step/
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Hi, You will have to use 'dynamic participant step' and assign the users/groups based on the payload path. You can refer [1] and [2] for the same
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/dynamic-steps.html
[2] http://adobeaemclub.com/workflow-dynamic-participant-step/
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As usual within AEM there are many ways to tackle this but here are my thoughts:
For a site with many translations and follow the same business process I suggest adding a Dynamic Participant Chooser Workflow step that looks up the language of the page/asset and assigns the appropriate group (Use groups instead of users within workflows). Note: In this case you will need to create a group for each translation and assign users to those groups. Its probably best to create a naming convention for these groups such as <org>_<site>_<lang>_<role>.
For a site that has few translations and potentially different business processes it may be easier to simply create a separate workflow model for each translation. Use the Participant Step to select the appropriate group within each model. You can either name the models appropriate and educate authors to choose the appropriate flow based upon language or you can apply permissions to the models to only show the appropriate model to users so that only relevant processes show up for them to choose. Often users contribute to multiple sites so there may be multiple flows that they need to choose from.
I am sure that there are a few other ways to tackle this. Let me know what you decide to do.
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Please have a look at this community article, this would help you achieve the needful :
Link:- http://blog.globalizationpartners.com/adobe-experience-manager.aspx
If you plan on translating your website, or as we call website localization, Adobe Experience Manager Web Content Management System handles multilanguage content in a very professional and organized way. Following simple steps, the source content can be easily localized into an number of target languages.
1- Select the Site with the source language
2- Select New
3- Enter Title and Name.
** Name will be the target language locale and needs to have the following format:
<language-code> or <language-code>_<country-code>
- the supported language code is lower-case, two-letter code as defined by ISO-639-1
- the supported country code is lower-case or upper-case, two-letter code as defined by ISO 3166
Examples: en, en_US, en_us, en_GB, en_gb.
4- Select the template and click create
The main node of the target website will be created
Create a copy of the source pages (English) to the new website in target language:
1- Select the web node from the tree in the left
2- Select Tools >Tools>Language copy
3- Select English+ for each parent node
No need to select page by page to copy all the website, rather select only the main parent node and select English+ (en+) and then all the subpages will be copied to the target website. In the below example, Selecting "Men" and/or "Seasonal" Parent node with En+ will select the entiresubpages (Men/* | Seasonal/*).
In case that all the website need pages need to be localized, after selecting all the Parent nodes of the website using the English+ (en+) and press OK, all nodes should be selected automatically.
Once the Language copy process is done, the complete new websites with all the pages will be available and with identical same structure as the original source website.
I hope this would help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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