Hi Everyone,
We are using AEM 6.5.21 service pack and I have set a environment specific configuration through my code base in osgi config folder using OOB workflow purge osgi service i.e Adobe Granite Workflow Purge Configuration, after deploying the code it gets created in local author and works fine but it is not getting created in higher environments(dev).This is only happening for Granite Workflow Purge Configuration and not for any other configs. Has anyone noticed this issue ? Thank you.
"scheduledpurge.daysold": "90",
"scheduledpurge.name" : "workflowPurgeTest",
"scheduledpurge.workflowStatus": ["COMPLETED","FAILED"]
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@Tethich Thanks for the response. Yes it is the exact same order that you shared it is under osgiconfig/config. I do not see any issues with other configurations except workflow purge. seems it is taking precedence from /apps/system/config instead osgiconfig/config path from higher environments.
@PRATHYUSHA_VP I have already done that but still no luck. Thanks
You need to clear apps in order to avoid configs overlapping. Keep only one config for the workflow purge, the one from your codebase.
I did not get exactly. Could you please explain ? I deleted all the config from dev environment created from system console and only deployed the config from the code . I see my config under apps/config but the same is not being reflected in system console., thanks
I meant exactly what you did.
Hi @Tethich Yes other configs are getting deployed there are no any issues apart from workflow purge config. I checked filter.xml and other too config and looks good to me. Thanks
@kchaura Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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Hi @kautuk_sahni Thanks for checking. I need more information still it is not resolved. thanks
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