I am writing a workflow. This is my Code, In workflow, I put a "Process Step" in a workflow called "my workflow", check "Handler Advance". Then I start the workflow on this page, The code does the job. But if I switch to http://localhost:4505/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html Instance tab to check the workflow instance, I found that "my workflow" is still in RUNNING state. What did I miss here?
package com.mycompany.workflow; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowSession; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkItem; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkflowData; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkflowProcess; import com.adobe.granite.workflow.metadata.MetaDataMap; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.*; import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver; import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolverFactory; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Enumeration; @Component(immediate = true, metatype = true, label = "Purge Cache", name = "com.mycompany.workflow.PurgingDispatcherWorkflow", description = "Purge the cache") @Service @Properties({ @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, value = "Implementation of cache purge"), @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, value = "MyCompany"), @Property(name = "process.label", value = "Cache Purge"), @Property(name = "dispatcher.url", value = "http://localhost:80/dispatcher/invalidate.cache") }) public class PurgingDispatcherWorkflow implements WorkflowProcess { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private static final String TYPE_JCR_PATH = "JCR_PATH"; private String dispatcherUrl = ""; @Reference private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory = null; @Override public void execute(WorkItem item, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap) throws WorkflowException { Session jcrSession = null; try { WorkflowData workflowData = item.getWorkflowData(); if (workflowData.getPayloadType().equals(TYPE_JCR_PATH)) { String path = workflowData.getPayload().toString(); String purgeUrl = path; ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null); jcrSession = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class); URL url = new URL(dispatcherUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); connection.setRequestProperty("CQ-Action", "DELETE"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "0"); connection.setRequestProperty("CQ-Path", purgeUrl); connection.setRequestProperty("CQ-Handle", purgeUrl); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(true); //Get Response InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { response.append(line); response.append('\r'); } rd.close(); logger.info("**********Purge Result***********" + response.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in executing Cache Purge Workflow : ", ex); } finally { if (jcrSession != null && jcrSession.isLive()) { jcrSession.logout(); jcrSession = null; } } logger.info("******************Purging Finished******************"); } @Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws RepositoryException { final Dictionary<?, ?> properties = context.getProperties(); dispatcherUrl = (String) properties.get("dispatcher.url"); } }
Solved! Go to Solution.
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can you please add deactivate method as well to your process implementation class with empty block and check.This will complete entire service life cycle.
See this AEM doc topic:
You can manually terminate it.
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Please check in AEM's Inbox
After that please check Instances tab in workflow models
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Looks like your workflow is not able to advance from the custom "process step" to the "Flow end" step.You need to check the "Handler advance" value in the Process tab of the Process step. If the check box is ticked then the workflow will automatically move to the next step else you need to handle this programatically in your process implementation. Looks like you haven't done either.
Attached image also.
Hope this helps!
Yes, I can see its statsus is RUNNING in the instance tab. But this workflow should be completed without any manual work. How can I do that?
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I don't want to manually terminate it. I need it complete automatically without any manual process. Is there any thing I did wrong in my code?
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Can please share
I have created a workflow with one process step and it deletes asset from DAM
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This is what I have. For example I start this workflow for one page for example /content/mysite/en.The workflow is supposed to finish without any user participation. I checked the log, everything runs without error. But if I switch to workflow instance tab, I can see that this workflow is still in RUNNING status. I cannot start other workflow for this page because this workflow somehow is still running. Why is this happening?
Sorry, I dont know how to attach multiple pictures, So I add a new reply below.
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[img]2015-02-21_20-39-46.png[/img] And this is the Working flow instance. It is always in RUNNING status
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can you please add deactivate method as well to your process implementation class with empty block and check.This will complete entire service life cycle.