Hi i installed de WKND project in my computer and whenever i try to create or edit a page of this template, there is nothig there to change, no new components to add into the page. I installed de WKND, following these steps:
//For AEM as a Cloud Service SDK:
$ cd aem-guides-wknd/
$ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
and the AEM appeared correctly. Can you guide me in what i can do to make it work?
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Hi @agustinafernandez , please check according to the following order :
1. Go to the developer moder from edit mode and check if there's any error due to any component.
2. Check page resourceType and templates
3. check all bundles are active
4. check the error logs.
I will check these points and see what happens
hi raj here are some screens that i took. I am not sure whtat do you mean with checking the resourceType but the rest if the points, the screens you can see them in the first reply done by esteban but i will put them here too