Hi All,
I am browsing a URL, complete URL is http://localhost:4502/content/dam/a.childrenlist.json. I am getting successful response with below content.
In HTML format: http://localhost:4502/content/dam/a.childrenlist.html
In JSON format: http://localhost:4502/content/dam/a.childrenlist.json
"parent": {
"path": "/content/dam/a.childrenlist.json",
"resourceType": "sling:nonexisting",
"label": "a.childrenlist.json",
"hasChildren": false,
"title": "a.childrenlist.json"
But when I go and search this a node/file in crx, I couldn't find anything with a under dam(below is the screenshot). It seems resource is not available; and in this case ideally system should response with status code 404. So can someone please explain what is happening here and how I can stop this?
Thank you in advance.
Thank You!