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Where to put config files - the missing piece.


Level 9

This post shows how to create an OSGi service in Java (which we assume is the only way) which creates and uses some configuration parameters which can be edited in the configMgr


However, this is useless without the ability to distribute pre-set parameters for the various run modes as part of our code deployment.


AEM documentation seems to be lacking info on this subject, it only has info on configuration on the actual running servers themselves and talks about config under /apps/.


If we look at the wknd project, it seems to be putting config files in:




These files have a strange naming convention, e.g. e.g. com.adobe.aem.graphql.sites.adapters.SlingSchemaServlet~wknd-graphql.cfg.json


Are these files, their location, naming and content structure documented?


We have created a new osgi service (just to read config params) called say MyService with the following path: /aem-guides-wknd.core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/services/MyService.java


What should the corresponding config file be called, and where should it be located?  How do we link our services config params to the config file?


=== UPDATE === 


@Asutosh_Jena_ kindly replied that I should put xml files under:




This sums up the discrepancy and why I am posting here: things like /apps/wknd/runmodes does not exist, nor anything like it, in the source code for wknd.


This is the wknd source code file structure:




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Not sure if you have already seen my explanations on this topic in your other thread.


The ui.config Maven module is a dedicated place to hold the OSGI configurations that you want to distribute. The structure of the module follows some conventions:

Everything up to (and including) the “jcr_content” folder is part of the Maven module structure (same as with “regular” Java modules holding all packages within the /src/main/java structure). Everything inside the “jcr_content” folder reflects the structure and hierarchy that will be created by the CRX package that the Maven module creates at build time.

Inside the repository all your project specific application code (including OSGI configs) should reside in the “/apps” tree. You will usually create your own folder (e. g. /apps/mysite) that holds all your templates, components, OSGI configs and more.

With regards to the OSGI configs, I have already outlined the naming convention of their respective folders (usually “config” or “config.RUNMODE”). Inside that/these folder/s you can create your OSGI configuration files. These files have to reflect the OSGI bundles PID (basically: fully qualified class name). So an according filename for your MyService class would be “com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.services.MyService.cfg.json”.

Once you deploy your package (which will include the OSGI bundle at /apps/mysite/install/ and your OSGI config at /apps/mysite/config/) everything should be set. AEM will take care if deploying the OSGI bundle from the “install” folder to the OSGI context and apply the according config from the “config” folder. There is nothing more to do.


Recapitulating your specific questions:

  • Are these files, their location, naming and content structure documented? ==> Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a documentation covering this topic from this angle.
  • What should the corresponding config file be called? ==> com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.services.MyService.cfg.json (reflecting yourn services PID aka fully qulified class name)
  • Where should it be located?  ==> ui.config/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/mysite/config/ (will be mapped to /apps/mysite/config/ inside the repository)
  • How do we link our services config params to the config file? ==> That’s handled automatically, just follow the above naming conventions (config file name = PID of OSGI service). The parameter names inside the config file need to match your definition in your service class.


Hope that helps.

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @TB3dock 


If you OSGi Service interface is within

/aem-guides-wknd.core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/services/ folder and the interface name is MyService.java

then you must have an Implementation class implementing the above interface which I believe you would have kept under 

/aem-guides-wknd.core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/services/impl with class name MyServiceImpl.java


If the above statements are true, then your config file will be kept under:

/apps/wknd/runmodes/config path with file name as:

com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.services.imp.MyServiceImpl.xml (it will be full qualified name of the class with .xml as the extension for AEM 6.5 and for cloud service it will be .cfg.json with will be a JSON file)


Please see the sample OSGI XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"

Highlighted keys will be the variable name those are defined inside the interface which will be mapped against your configuration.


Now for run mode specific you can keep the same .xml file under:





with different values based on the run mode.







Level 9
Hi, there such directory /apps/... anywhere in the wknd project source code. This is the problem.


Community Advisor

Hi @TB3dock 

You can find it inside ui.config module in the code base. Please see below:





Level 9
you have include a snippet of XML. there is no XML in the tutorial, and my service is picking up variables without it.


Community Advisor
As I mentioned earlier it will pick XML and JSON. If you have not defined anything then it will pick the default value from the ServiceImpl class.


Level 9
There is no "wknd", or "runmodes" dir in the source code that I can find. There is an i18n dir, but this is under ui.apps


Community Advisor

@TB3dock  If you see the above screenshot, you can see osgiconfig folder which is what I was referring as runmodes.

Hope this is clear now.




Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Not sure if you have already seen my explanations on this topic in your other thread.


The ui.config Maven module is a dedicated place to hold the OSGI configurations that you want to distribute. The structure of the module follows some conventions:

Everything up to (and including) the “jcr_content” folder is part of the Maven module structure (same as with “regular” Java modules holding all packages within the /src/main/java structure). Everything inside the “jcr_content” folder reflects the structure and hierarchy that will be created by the CRX package that the Maven module creates at build time.

Inside the repository all your project specific application code (including OSGI configs) should reside in the “/apps” tree. You will usually create your own folder (e. g. /apps/mysite) that holds all your templates, components, OSGI configs and more.

With regards to the OSGI configs, I have already outlined the naming convention of their respective folders (usually “config” or “config.RUNMODE”). Inside that/these folder/s you can create your OSGI configuration files. These files have to reflect the OSGI bundles PID (basically: fully qualified class name). So an according filename for your MyService class would be “com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.services.MyService.cfg.json”.

Once you deploy your package (which will include the OSGI bundle at /apps/mysite/install/ and your OSGI config at /apps/mysite/config/) everything should be set. AEM will take care if deploying the OSGI bundle from the “install” folder to the OSGI context and apply the according config from the “config” folder. There is nothing more to do.


Recapitulating your specific questions:

  • Are these files, their location, naming and content structure documented? ==> Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a documentation covering this topic from this angle.
  • What should the corresponding config file be called? ==> com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.services.MyService.cfg.json (reflecting yourn services PID aka fully qulified class name)
  • Where should it be located?  ==> ui.config/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/mysite/config/ (will be mapped to /apps/mysite/config/ inside the repository)
  • How do we link our services config params to the config file? ==> That’s handled automatically, just follow the above naming conventions (config file name = PID of OSGI service). The parameter names inside the config file need to match your definition in your service class.


Hope that helps.


Level 9
This is a great explanation, thanks. Given the various tutorials dont cover this, and nor the docs, I wonder how everyone knows about it. Out of interest, are the contents of the config file (i.e. the json structure and options) documented?


Employee Advisor
The content of the config json file needs to reflect the the properties that you define in your OSGI service. It's just a key-value-list of the parameters. You can double check on the required keys in the OSGI web console config manager UI by opening your service configuration. The key is always listed in brackets after the property description (below the input field). You'll also see the PID (required for the naming oif your file) in the dialog at the bottom.

My question is, where can I find these /osigconfig files in CRXDE once they are deployed to AEM Cloud? 


All the documentation I can find says after the deployment they should be under /apps/myproject/osigconfig in CRXDE.


I have two sites in an AEM Cloud environment. One boilerplate site was generated when the environment was setup. The other was created using the new "Standard AEM Site Template 2.1.1".


There isn't a /apps/myproject/osigconfig directory for either of them in CRXDE.


I see the boilerplate site files in our full-stack Adobe git repo: ui.config/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/myproject/osgiconfig.


So where are they being moved to during deployment?


I'm assuming there has been a recent change to this? 


I want to find the /osigconfig files for the "Standard AEM Site Template" site in CRXDE so I can copy them back into our git repo and make changes.


Thanks for your help.