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Hi @SYED1111 ,
After seeing the above snapshots I think it might be your component rendering script (HTML) which is writing the content in JSON format as the content fragment are using separate fields for the question and answer.
Can you please share the HTML code snippet of the component which you are using to fetch the content fragment data?
OOTB core content fragment component will only list down the content on the page itself. It will not render the content as JSON.
There might be some customization done in the component rendering script. Please do share the snippet.
Ravi Joshi
If you're using json format data in content fragments, then you will not have control on change the format at page level. Alternatively, Instead of using single field for FAQ json, you may try creating CF model with multiple fields (Question & Answers) and use it on page level.
Please check below incase if you want to explore on experience fragments as well.
I dont want to render content in json format . i want to render content as normal for all Qusn and Ans
Hi @SYED1111 ,
Can you please share snaps of your content fragment or the content fragment model?
As suggested by @Siva_Sogalapalli if you are using JSON data in your "content fragment model" then you cannot segregate the JSON entries directly at the HTML level.
If you want to load questions and answers separately on the page. I would suggest using two different fields in the "content fragment model" if you are currently not using the same.
Ravi Joshi
This is Content Fragment for FAQ
This one content fragment Model
The Cf is Showing like Above
My Requirment is when we click on Particuler Topic The particuler qus should appear under the categeory
Hi @SYED1111 ,
After seeing the above snapshots I think it might be your component rendering script (HTML) which is writing the content in JSON format as the content fragment are using separate fields for the question and answer.
Can you please share the HTML code snippet of the component which you are using to fetch the content fragment data?
OOTB core content fragment component will only list down the content on the page itself. It will not render the content as JSON.
There might be some customization done in the component rendering script. Please do share the snippet.
Ravi Joshi