Hello @Ashwin_KumarSr
The most common way to store the documentation in AEM is by using eaither CF, EF.
Also here are some alternative ways you can consider:
AEM WCM (Web Content Management) Components: You could create a set of pages in a WCM where each page represents a section of your content. The pages could contain a mix of OOTB components and custom built components based on your requirements.
The approach could be to create a page template with multiple components on it that matches your sample layout. For example, you'd have:
- A Text Component for the Document Title,
- Two Text Components for Short and Detailed Descriptions,
- A carousel/slideshow component for Images,
- And a Text Component for the Footer.
Each of these components could be populated with static or authorable content in a manner similar to the following Code:
<cq:include path="title" resourceType="foundation/components/text" />
<cq:include path="shortDescription" resourceType="foundation/components/text" />
The other approach if your documentation can be structured as a Form with various fields you can use AEM FORMS, which can be published as HTML5 or PDF for different devices.