An AEM 6.5 Assets environment I am working with presently uses the PDF Generator service to convert PowerPoint files (pptx) from PPTX -> PDF for downloads as well as text extraction & indexing. It is currently running into various performance problems, and the version of soffice.bin that it's running is potentially to blame as it is currently running LibreOffice 4.3.2 on the server, a version that was release in the spring of 2015.
However, in Adobe docs (, the "requirements" for AEM Forms PDF Generator note OpenOffice 4.1.2, a version that also came out in Spring 2015.
The LibreOffice team has made a slew of performance improvements to LibreOffice in the intervening 5+ years, so my question is: does Adobe support a current version of LibreOffice? If not, what version does it support?