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What is the difference between Scene7 and Dynamic Media?


Level 3

I'm trying to understand image handling capabilities in AEM and the documentation leaves me more confused than when I started.

in the AEM 6.3 docs under Working with Assets there are sections for Adding Scene7 Features and Working with Dynamic Media. The docs indicate that if I enable Scene7 I can't use Dynamic Media, and vice-versa. This implies they are separate products, but the features seem to overlap to a large degree.

In the Dynamic Media docs regarding interactive images, there's a pointer to an example page . When I go there and inspect the source of the parts of the page that have Shoppable Image hotspots, I see what look to be Scene7 artifacts: s7interactiveimage_div, s7container, s7innercontainer, s7mapoverlay, ...

What gives? Are Dynamic Media and Scene7 the same thing? If so why are they given separate treatment in the docs? If they'er different, how do they differ, and how do I decide which to use?

I have some further questions about Shoppable Image functionality, but I think I need to understand the basic differences before I get into the details. Any insight appreciated!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

The webinar was suppose to be Dynamc media. I will check the links.

The eng team stated this:

Please refer them to: http://exploreadobe.com/dynamic-media-upgrade/dynamic-media-feature-list.html

In that website “Dynamic Media Classic” is S7.

View solution in original post

10 Replies


Level 3

Sorry, that didn't help at all. While the page you linked to says it's about using Dynamic Media with Experience manager, the recorded session in fact talks about Lazybones and Editable Templates. On top of that, I'm not at all happy about watching videos to get product information; I'd much rather read a document with diagrams and illustrations. Assuming there's another recording that contains the discussion of Dynamic media, is there also a transcript?

Can you simply tell me the difference between Scene7 and Dynamic Media, why you recommend Dynamic Media over Scene7, and why 's7...' appears all over pages driven by Dynamic Media? Ideally, the documentation would make this clear, but it does not.


Correct answer by
Level 10

The webinar was suppose to be Dynamc media. I will check the links.

The eng team stated this:

Please refer them to: http://exploreadobe.com/dynamic-media-upgrade/dynamic-media-feature-list.html

In that website “Dynamic Media Classic” is S7.


Level 3

Thanks, I'll read through the upgrade portal. I hope the AEM 6.3 docs get updated soon; the current docs are very confusing. Thanks for running down this info for me!


Level 8

Hi valcohen​,

As per my Understanding, Scene 7 was a mature and standalone product that is there in market from long time. Then Adobe bought scene 7 and now it is re branding it to dynamic media by adding more features to it. But many customers want to stick on scene 7 as it is mature so you are free to choose either to use scene 7 or dynamic media. Both are mostly same and in near future all features of scene 7 will be available under dynamic media. So in shot dynamic media is the future that i think adobe is looking at.

Hope it clears your doubt.


Level 3

Thanks, Ankhur, that makes sense -- thanks for addressing the difference!


Level 10

We also fixed the link to the ATCE session i listed above - it now points to the Dynamic Media one.

Scott's Digital Community: Ask the AEM Community Experts for June 2017



Level 10

Which is a great session to watch to learn more about Dynamic Media - which is the tool to use!


Level 3

That's great, I'll check it out -- thanks!


Level 2

Hi All,

I skimmed through all the above answers and can comment on what I am aware of with working experience with both of these products.

  • Scene7 is termed as Dynamic Media classic in Adobe's terminology.
  • Dynamic Media provides a user with differnet viewers presets for images and videos to be displayed on the web pages
  • Dynamic media also supports shoppable videos (Interactive videos) and mixed viewers preset with images and videos
  • When assets are uploaded in specific folders for Dyanmic Media ( you will learn more while going throught the documentation of dynamic media about it), the asset is also propagated at cloud server and serverd through cloud rendering URL in pubiish instances.

There are 2 things though (again depending upon the individual use case) which are not so favourable in Dyanmic Media

  1. The assets are still required to be uploaded in DAM and activated to publish which occupies server space
  2. There is no viewer preset available for PDF or other documents

Where as Scene7 is an external hosted solution (though media assets can be synched with DAM as well) but has ablity to serve through external URL as well.

Users with publishing backgroud would prefer to use Scene7 as it has all other viewers preset availabe in Dynamic Media with an added advantage to beautifuly render PDFs with various eye catching views.

Both products require seperate license, depending upon what model you / your organisation has initially purchased.

Hope this would help !!




Level 3

Sandeep, thanks for the extra details!