ACS Commons Redirect Map Manager Tool and ACS Commons Versioned Clientlibs says, "This feature is not AEM as a Cloud Service compatible; starting with the release 4.6.2 this feature is disabled on this platform (including the SDK)."
How is AMS going to replace ACS Commons Redirect Map Manager Tool? Does Adobe AMS provide some kind of redirect tool? Please explain what this new tool is, and is there a admin panel for this?
How is AMS going to replace ACS Commons Versioned Clientlibs? How does this work in the new world?
Solved! Go to Solution.
AEMaaCS offers versioned clientlibs OOTB. But does not offer anything like Redirect Manager but redirect can also be set up directly on servers. Since the project contains custom redirect files, which are maintained at customer code and can be used to set up redirects.
The redirect manager also does the same.
AEMaaCS offers versioned clientlibs OOTB. But does not offer anything like Redirect Manager but redirect can also be set up directly on servers. Since the project contains custom redirect files, which are maintained at customer code and can be used to set up redirects.
The redirect manager also does the same.
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@SupportMember @arunpatidar Please take a look at Pipeline-free URL Redirects - redirects management using Apache HTTP Server mod_rewrite's RewriteMap in AEM as a Cloud Service without Cloud Manager pipeline execution:
(requires AEM CS release version 18311 or higher - see
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