What is criteria to choose right artchetypeVersion (ex : 41 or 40 or 39 etc) & once project created how to update following rather than creating new project.
enableDynamicMedia=y (by default n ,if yes mean what changes while project creation)
includeErrorHandler=y (by default n ,if yes mean what changes while project creation)
includeFormsenrollment=y ((by default n ,if yes mean what changes while project creation)
singleCountry=n ((by default y ,if yes mean what changes while project creation)
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When you're creating the project from scratch you can choose appropriate archtypes & details as needed. You can check compatible arch types here:
You don't need to keep changing the details every time you upgrade AEM version. You can just upgrade the uber-jar and other maven dependencies based on AEM version and fix all the errors whatever you see in your code.
Of course, You can also create the new project setup with the new maven archetype but then you end up copy paste the code from old repo to new one which is more complex and not recommended.
hope this helps.
Hello @varaande ,
Based on your AEM Version you need to choose your archetype version.
Here is the link you can get the AEM Archetype supported version: https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype/blob/develop/VERSIONS.md
All available properties for a new project: https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype#available-properties
Also, you can directly set the Batch command without giving information on command execution time.
You can try with the following command:
mvn -B org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:3.2.1:generate \
-D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem \
-D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \
-D archetypeVersion=40 \
-D appTitle="My Project" \
-D appId="my-project" \
-D groupId="com.my.project" \
-D artifactId="my-project" \
-D package="com.my.project" \
-D version="0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" \
-D aemVersion="6.5.7"
When you're creating the project from scratch you can choose appropriate archtypes & details as needed. You can check compatible arch types here:
You don't need to keep changing the details every time you upgrade AEM version. You can just upgrade the uber-jar and other maven dependencies based on AEM version and fix all the errors whatever you see in your code.
Of course, You can also create the new project setup with the new maven archetype but then you end up copy paste the code from old repo to new one which is more complex and not recommended.
hope this helps.