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We want to bypass the AEM credentials to display images from author outside of AEM for preview


Level 6




Its very urgent.



 I have situation like we need to provide the aem preview outside of the AEM. 



Background : ours is a hybrid environment like content will reside in AEM and UI in PHP. 



For content approval we need to provide the preview URLs to the other member they are not going to have any AEM credentials. 



Problem: We are able to make the page available to other team members except the Images. 



To resolve the images issue we are making the image src as relative to obsolute path. 



Now we are able to see the images but with credentials. We need to bypass the AEM credentials. How we can achieve that? 



Thanks in Advance  

12 Replies


Level 2
In one of below scenarios. You might not be able to see images. 1. Images in app folder 2. Images in Dam content with access rights Generally keep ur images in dam . Default settings will allow you to access by absolute Url.


Level 6

My images in Dam folder. 

Without login into the AEM author I am not able to access the images from DAM .

In publish instance yes we are able to see the images without login.


Level 10

Why not serve the images from your pub instance. THne you do not need to worry about Author creds. 


Level 2


I am also stuck in same situation. I want to show Images from Author and do some editing of those and upload to AEM Author only. But in my all I can't see images as it needs credentials which I can't pass.

Please suggest me how I can do it without using AEM Publish environment. It's very much critical.




Level 2

Thanks. I got this solved for me. Have a Login service and login to app using AEM Author User credentials. Then all of the image urls will be accessible. 


Level 4

The best way I can think of is going to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.sling.engine.impl.auth.SlingAuthenticator and checking allowanonymous. and then go to the http://localhost:4502/useradmin  -> search for anonymous user and in its permission select required read, write, edit permission on /content/dam/<whatever>.  This reduces the need to write custom servlet and using admin session to render the asset resource. 




Employee Advisor


first of all this is a licensing issue as well, so rather go and check if this aspect is handled in the license contract.

Secondly, I wouldn't do that. Because at this point you would need to open all your assets and make them world-readable/intranet-readable to whoever has network access to the authoring server. Which might defeat the purpose of the system completly.

Thirdly, how is your approval process planned to work? If the approval happens inside the PHP application, how is this information planned to fed back to AEM (so the content can be replicated)?




Level 6

Hi Jorg,


That's correct but still the business wants to follow. They don't want to create credentials for each and everyone. The reviewers of articles are always gonna change based on so many parameters

For the approval we have workflow, Business wants to handle the reviewers comments via the process. The content author will update the content based on the reviewers mail comments.


Community Advisor

Hi Dragon,

We do have similar kind of requirement. Please let me know which procedure you've followed.


Level 3

I have come across this situation and this is what we ended up with.

Have a publish server acting as your preview server. Build a workflow process to replicate assets to that preview instance. Have your preview PHP site connect that AEM preview publish instance for assets. Ask your authors/users to run that workflow for preview capabilities.


Level 6

Thanks abhishekb,

Let me try this one. Looks good .


Level 4

dragon2A wrote...




Its very urgent.



 I have situation like we need to provide the aem preview outside of the AEM. 



Background : ours is a hybrid environment like content will reside in AEM and UI in PHP. 



For content approval we need to provide the preview URLs to the other member they are not going to have any AEM credentials. 



Problem: We are able to make the page available to other team members except the Images. 



To resolve the images issue we are making the image src as relative to obsolute path. 



Now we are able to see the images but with credentials. We need to bypass the AEM credentials. How we can achieve that? 



Thanks in Advance  


The best way I can think of is going to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.sling.engine.impl.auth.SlingAuthenticator and checking allowanonymous. and then go to the http://localhost:4502/useradmin  -> search for anonymous user and in its permission select required read, write, edit permission on /content/dam/<whatever>.  This reduces the need to write custom servlet and using admin session to render the asset resource. 

