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Using user profile properties for campaign


Level 5

Here is a use case. We have "Country" as a property for every user profile. Samples USA, IND, CAN, UK.

Now based on the country code, we have to display four different flags stored in a defined location in DAM


Can someone list step by step how to get this done? We are getting stuck at the segmentation part of it as the user property does not list our custom country property. 


3 Replies


Level 10


Refer to this article https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/personal61.html

It has shown similar use case where images are shown based in custom user property

Let us know if you see any issue...



Level 5


I did try that already, the issue is here the ostype for some reason is a part of registration process and it gets listed.

Try this, instead of adding this property to the registeration form, manually add property named "Country" to a few user profiles. The question is in the last step when I drag the user property for segmentation, this "Country" does not get populated in dropdown. What steps are needed to have the component (User Property) list this property?

Our profiles are populated using SAML and do not use OOB registration samples.

Let me know if it works for you and the dropdown does auomatically show the Country property. If not, what steps are needed for Country to show up?


Level 10

I found /libs/cq/personalization/components/traits/generic/dialog/items/name  which is providing options using client context in drop down of segmentation

take a look at it