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Users count


Level 2


How to find the users count in particular website in AEM?

Please help me if you have any ideas?

7 Replies


Level 2

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Former Community Member


Level 2

Hi Joeb

Thanks for your reply, but i wanted to find the users list into the particular website. we have lot of websites in our environments. So i wanted to find user count on each and every website. can you please help me with this?


Level 4

All users in aem are stored under /home/users. Do you have a property or anything in particular to distinguish users for a specific website? Are you using AEM communities by any chance or its a normal multi tenant instance?


Employee Advisor

what type of users are you looking for? Are you interested in the users who are doing the authoring work for a specific website? Or are you rather interested in the people visiting one of your websites?


Level 2

HI Joerg

I am interested to know the number of users who are doing authoring


Employee Advisor

I could think of at least 2 different approaches:

* iterate through all of your users; for each user impersonate into a user session (get an admin session first and impersonate afterwards into a session owned by that user) and check if you can read (or write) the root page of that site; this assumes that you can make a solid statement based on the accessibility of this rootpage. If you ACL setup is complex for websites and the root page does not qualify for this statement, you need to find a different definition of "users who have access to that site".

* iterate through the content of the site (including all versions) and find all the users who actually performed changes by inspecting the properties cr:createdBy and jcr:lastModifiedBy.

Depends on your definition of "users who are doing authoring".
