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User Roles and permission is not getting reflected through acl (.yaml)


Level 4

Hi @everyone


I have a requirement to deny delete for some user on Experience fragment.


Initially i have denied 


ex - 

- local-ex-authors:
    - path: /content/experience-fragments/project_name/xxxx
      permission: deny
      actions: create,modify,delete,replicate
and in other file i have allowed permission ex - 
    - path: /content/experience-fragments/project_name/xxxx/xxxx/xxx/en_ae
      permission: allow
      actions: read,modify,create,replicate
      privileges: jcr:addChildNodes,jcr:modifyProperties,jcr:removeChildNodes

Applied modify to parent but child is not getting checkbox checked.


Thanks for help!!

7 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @lone_Ranger 


Please verify following:

- if the file was processed by visiting Security > Netcentric ACL Tool UI

- Are there any errors reported?

- You should use only spaces in the yaml file. Tabs is not supported. If tabs are found, try deploying again after making the corrections.

Aanchal Sikka


Community Advisor

@lone_Ranger ,

Also, it is worth to double check the runmode configuration naming conventions.

Check the runmode of the server (http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slingsettings) you are trying invoke Netcentric ACL Tool UI is exactly matching with the naming convention of .yaml file.

author.dev, author.qa, author.stage, author.prod etc.,


Community Advisor

Hello @lone_Ranger -


  • Verify if the child node has its own ACL (Access Control List) defined that could be overriding the inherited permissions from the parent node.
  • If the child node has its own ACL and the "modify" permission is not inherited, you can explicitly grant the "modify" permission to the child node.


Level 4

Hi @Tanika02 ,
Child node are XF and also no permission is overwriting it.




Community Advisor



Verify often, when there are no errors, but permissions are not applied, its the file formatting thats an issue.


Can you please assure that you are using only spaces in the yaml file? 

Aanchal Sikka


Level 4



read,modify,create,replicate all are getting applied but

read create replicate is also getting applied to child nodes 

only modify is not getting applied to child node