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User and Group with all Permission migration 6.1 to 6.3


Level 3


I have AEM 6.1 instance up and running with project code. Also i have AEM 6.3 instance up and running. Now i am trying to migrate the repository which will include user, groups and their permissions.

Trying below command but its failing with below exception. (Trying on windowslocal Machine)

Command :-

java -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.xml  -Xmx2g  -jar crx2oak-1.6.8-all-in-one.jar segment-old:./Gold/crx-quickstart/repository ./6.3OOB/crx-quickstart/repository  --merge-paths=/content --disable-mmap=true

Exception in Migration.log :-

18:06:35.932 INFO  [main] CRX2Oak.java:62                   started with args: [segment-old:./Gold/crx-quickstart/repository, ./6.3OOB/crx-quickstart/repository, --disable-mmap=true]

18:06:36.032 DEBUG [main] Pipeline.java:102                 Executing: <component=ModelInitializer> on <input=PipeData{command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6, option-parser=joptsimple.OptionParser@47c62251}>

18:06:36.042 DEBUG [main] Pipeline.java:102                 Executing: <component=SlingHomePipelineDetector> on <input=PipeData{run-mode=STANDALONE, original-command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6, osgi-configurations-to-install=[], migration-mode=DRY_PREPARE_MIGRATION_MODE, pre-migration-actions=[], option-set=joptsimple.OptionSet@54e72906, warnings=[], command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6, post-migration-actions=[], option-parser=joptsimple.OptionParser@47c62251}>

18:06:36.043 INFO  [main] SlingHomeDetector.java:103        Detected Quickstart/Sling instance in: C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart

18:06:36.043 DEBUG [main] Pipeline.java:102                 Executing: <component=TraceLogsEnabler> on <input=PipeData{run-mode=QUICKSTART_EXTENSION, sling-home-detection-options={JVM system property=qs.sling.home, environmental variable=SLING_HOME}, osgi-configurations-to-install=[], migration-mode=DRY_PREPARE_MIGRATION_MODE, pre-migration-actions=[], option-set=joptsimple.OptionSet@54e72906, warnings=[], post-migration-actions=[], option-parser=joptsimple.OptionParser@47c62251, sling-home=C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart, original-command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6, command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6}>

18:06:36.044 DEBUG [main] Pipeline.java:102                 Executing: <component=LoggingRedirector> on <input=PipeData{run-mode=QUICKSTART_EXTENSION, sling-home-detection-options={JVM system property=qs.sling.home, environmental variable=SLING_HOME}, osgi-configurations-to-install=[], migration-mode=DRY_PREPARE_MIGRATION_MODE, pre-migration-actions=[], option-set=joptsimple.OptionSet@54e72906, warnings=[], post-migration-actions=[], option-parser=joptsimple.OptionParser@47c62251, sling-home=C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart, original-command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6, command-line-args=[Ljava.lang.String;@6f7fd0e6}>

18:06:36.045 INFO  [main] LoggingRedirector.java:81         logs are going to be redirected to: C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart\logs\upgrade.log file (using INFO level)

18:06:36.051 INFO  [main] VersionPrinter.java:45            CRX2Oak version: 1.6.8 (QUICKSTART_EXTENSION mode)

18:06:36.358 INFO  [main] VersionPrinter.java:45            /C:/73533/Projects/SingTel/AEM_Instance/crx2oak-1.6.8-all-in-one.jar (version: 1.6, checksum: 4ba2e94881cb42fc7e908f58e36bbe56438ae594)

18:06:36.529 INFO  [main] ProfileHandler.java:143           Applying partly the command line (before loading a profile): [segment-old:./Gold/crx-quickstart/repository, ./6.3OOB/crx-quickstart/repository, --disable-mmap=true]

18:06:36.763 INFO  [main] ProfileHandler.java:118           The following template tags has been defined: {datastore-path=crx-quickstart/repository/datastore}

18:06:36.767 INFO  [main] ProfileHandler.java:176           The command line (after loading a profile): [--disable-mmap, --delete-sling-opt-file, --detect-old-segment, --tag-crx2-datastore-as, datastore-path, --tag-oak-datastore-as, datastore-path, --require-tag, datastore-path, --promote-runmode, crx3, --promote-runmode, crx3tar, segment-old:./Gold/crx-quickstart/repository, ./6.3OOB/crx-quickstart/repository]

18:06:37.707 INFO  [main] OldSegmentDetector.java:270       The old segment-tar format was found in source instance. Including necessary steps into migration.

18:06:38.706 INFO  [main] MigrationSpecGenerator.java:46    The effective command line for migration: [--disable-mmap, --delete-sling-opt-file, --detect-old-segment, --tag-crx2-datastore-as, datastore-path, --tag-oak-datastore-as, datastore-path, --require-tag, datastore-path, --promote-runmode, crx3, --promote-runmode, crx3tar, --replace, segment-old:C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart\repository, C:\73533\Projects\SingTel\AEM_Instance\6.3OOB\crx-quickstart\repository-segment-tar-20171120-180637]

18:06:38.724 ERROR [main] MigrationSpecGenerator.java:57    I/O error during processing migration specification: org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.file.InvalidFileStoreVersionException

I have referred to  :- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/InvalidFileStoreVersionException-migrating-from-older-...

InvalidFileStoreVersionException migrating from older version to 6.3 using CRX2Oak

and :-

Using the CRX2Oak Migration Tool

Also i tried to create package using ACL-Packager using ACS-Commons on 6.1 env and installed on 6.3. Users and Groups got migrated but their permissions were not.

Please help to get the right way to migrate all users, groups with their JCR,ACL permissions from 6.1 to 6.3.

Thanks in advance.

8 Replies




Have you checked "ACL Packager".

Link:- ACL Packager

It can help you set ACL permissions and users/groups between AEM instances.

Also, have a look at this Migration Of ACLs via Package Manager

Community article:- http://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/migrate-users-and-groups-with-acl-permissions-in-aem/


Kautuk Sahni


Level 3

With ACL packager, i am not getting permission of users who are part of Administrator group. Is there anyway to get this resolved ?


Level 3

Followed the instructions, still for some reason, users part of Administrator group, permissions are not getting migrated



Are you getting any error? Is is working for any other user/group?

I would recommend you to post your comment in bottom of the page ACL Packager


Kautuk Sahni


Level 3

We are facing similar issue. We are doing doing content migration from AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.4.2 we ACL's (rep:policy) nodes are getting migrated.

However ACL's are not effective. after migration. (i.e. deny jcr:read to certain groups is not effective)

We also used ACL package manager, and tried to package ACL's from 6.2 publisher and bring it down on 6.4 publisher still the ACL's are not becoming effective.

Any help?

sukumard57505132​, were you able to solve the above mentioned issue.


Level 3

with ACL packager i am able to take the policies properly.


Level 3

Issues which I was facing is resolved.

We were upgrading from AEM 6.2 to 6.4 we found that permissions cache under jcr:system was not getting updated during CRX2Oak upgrade process.

A AEM jira was opened to solve this issue: GRANITE-24916

If you are running CRX2Oak process for syncing /content node's with permissions from one publisher to another Please make sure you use the latest version of CRX2Oak jar.
