I am uploading assets programatically to aem cloud using AssetManager createOrReplaceAsset method
image gets uploaded to AEM however it is taking 5-10 minutes to process the image, apply rendition and properties. I see a call to dynamic media server https://<aem-auther-server>/adobe/dynamicmedia/deliver/dm-aid--0a0c72d9-d7e4-4f8f-80ae-8448bdaeddff/... We dont have dynamic media install, why it is getting uploaded. How do I get the image instantaneously, are there any post processing required?
Here is my code
JackrabbitValueFactory valueFactory = (JackrabbitValueFactory) session.getValueFactory();
// Download the file with buffering
InputStream inputStream = downloadFromSignedUrl(signedUrl);
BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
// Detect MIME type and create binary
String mimeType = getMimeType(bufferedInputStream);
javax.jcr.Binary binary = valueFactory.createBinary(bufferedInputStream);
// Use AssetManager to create or update the asset
AssetManager assetManager = resolver.adaptTo(AssetManager.class);
if (assetManager == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to adapt to AssetManager.");
// Create or update the asset without blocking rendition generation
assetManager.createOrReplaceAsset(targetDamPath, binary, mimeType, false);
LOGGER.info("Asset uploaded successfully to path: {}", targetDamPath);
isUpload = true;