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Upgrade from 6.1 to 6.3 fails


Level 2

I have performed the preupgrade tasks on 6.1 and the preUpgradeHCStatus.properties file returns true.

Then I stopped the 6.1 instance. Moved the 6.3 jar into author and unpacked the jar. Then, I  tried to migrate the repository to the latest oak by running

java -Xmx4096m -jar aem-quickstart-6.3.0.jar -v -x crx2oak -xargs -- --load-profile segment-fds

This command fails indicating that the source and the destination repositories are the same. Why would it fail when I use the recommended way to perform the upgrade from adobe documentation.

2 Replies


Level 8

Starting from version 6.1, AEM does not support CRX2, so a migration to Oak (CRX3) is required if upgrading from an older version.

if you were migrating from CQ5 to AEM 6.1 then you would have to use profile as segment-fds

But you are migrating from 6.1 to 6.3 so in your case

Run this command java -Xmx4096m -jar aem-quickstart-6.3.0.jar -v -x crx2oak -xargs -- --load-profile segment-no-ds

Source RepositoryTarget RepositoryProfileAdditional Flags
crx2 or TarMK with FileDataStoreTarMKsegment-fdsSee Troubleshooting section below
crx2MongoMKmongo-from-crx2  -T mongo-uri=mongo://mongo-host:mongo-port -T mongo-db=mongo-database-name
TarMK or crx2 with S3DataStoreTarMKsegment-custom-dsSee Troubleshooting section below
TarMK with no datastoreTarMKsegment-no-ds
MongoMKMongoMKNo migration is needed


Level 2

It still says "21.02.2018 07:42:46.207 ERROR  c.a.g.c.c.MigrationSpecGenerator: detected error during processing migration specification: The source and the destination is the same repository." with segment-no-ds or segment-fds