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Undefined number of parameters in a custom function


Level 1



Got a question about custom functions as I am trying to achieve something. 

I have a custom function defined with a fixed number of parameters and I am trying to create the possibility for the author to add as many fields as parameters in the rule editor. Is there a possibility for me to accept an undefined number of arguments?


I was searching through the documentation here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/forms/adaptive-forms-advanced-authorin... and found a snippet saying:


"Allowed parameter types are:

  1. string
  2. number
  3. boolean

All other parameter types are categorized under one of the above. None is not supported. Ensure that you select one of the types above. Types are not case sensitive."


This kind of makes me believe parameters cannot be arrays, but wanted to make sure.

I am using AEM 6.5




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