When am trying to activate one of my page. Getting following error "Replication (ACTIVATE) of /content/pagepath not successful: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Conversation follows".
Remaining all pages are replicating successfully.
Anyone please help me on this issue.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi @Niveshchandra ,
"Replication (ACTIVATE) of /content/pagepath not successful: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Conversation follows". - Connection reset error can be due to following issues:
1. Either your publish instance was closed abruptly
2. Network issues
Try restarting the system and test replication action. Test specifically for that particular page. Still if the issue persists try by increasing the socket timeout time.
If the issue is because of socket timeout means you have to modify your page.
In developer mode, analyse the components that takes more time for loading.
It should be due network issue. Is the issue persistent?
@Niveshchandra I can see three possible issues, 1. Network issue between AEM author and publishers, 2. AEM author restarted after replicating the page(could be code deployment as well) 3. AEM Publisher restarted after replicating the page(could be code deployment as well).
Is it happening everytime for that single page?
If you don't get a response from the target instance before the timeout, you may see this error. Is the page that is not getting replicated is a very heavy page compared to other pages?
You can validate the page performance using the developer view in author and compare with other pages. You can try increasing the socket timeout from the configuration below in replicate agent configuration. Try 10000
If this is the issue, better to optimise the page rather than increasing the timeout config.
How did you configure a replication agent? Do you use an admin as a user on a Transportation Tab of a replication agent configuration?
If it's not an admin, make sure that the user has sufficient ACL for that page location on publish.
Do you have any non cq:Page or dam:Asset type of nodes within the path to the page it failed to replicate?
As you mentioned , remaining pages are replicating successfully.
Can you verify :
Is there anything different in /content/pagepath with respect to other pages, delaying activation and causing timeout ?
Also check this out : https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/SocketConnectionTimeout.html
Can you share with us your replication configurations?
Hi @Niveshchandra ,
"Replication (ACTIVATE) of /content/pagepath not successful: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Conversation follows". - Connection reset error can be due to following issues:
1. Either your publish instance was closed abruptly
2. Network issues
Try restarting the system and test replication action. Test specifically for that particular page. Still if the issue persists try by increasing the socket timeout time.
If the issue is because of socket timeout means you have to modify your page.
In developer mode, analyse the components that takes more time for loading.
I would suggest to check page and page permission and state as well on both author and publisher.