Hi All,
I have created AEM project using archetype21 and copied all my custom code to respective modules(core,ui,config).When i build code the code i am getting below error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.felix:maven-scr-plugin:1.25.0:scr (generate-scr-descriptor) on project dcom.core: C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\yyyy\AEM-Cloud\modules\zzzz\zzzz.core\target\classes\OSGI-INF\metatype\metatype.properties : metatype properties file must be stored outside of OSGI-INF\metatype, move it to OSGI-INF\l10n -> [Help 1]
Not sure what's the meaning of this error and don't know how to resolve this issue.
If anyone has idea please help me.