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Unable to add component on segment and experience fragment - AEM 6.4 with service pack 8


Level 4

We can not add any component on segment page, the parsys does not have + button to add component and drag and drop is also not working. Tried to create a segment with new configuration and also with we.retail config, facing the same problem on both.

Note - we have not overlay any component, it is just plain Vennila Instance + SP 8

Segmentation page screen shot


Even experience fragment also have the same problem, no + plus button and drag and drop is also not working.

Experience fragment page screen shot


Error log -

25.06.2020 18:07:21.218 *WARN* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1593088641140] GET /editor.html/conf/we-retail/settings/wcm/segments/test123.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.caconfig.resource.impl.def.DefaultConfigurationResourceResolvingStrategy Ignoring reference to /conf/we-retail/settings from /conf/we-retail/settings - Probably misconfigured as it ends with '/settings'


The we-retail config shipped with aem and I dont see any misconfiguraion. The interesting thing is we have tried the same steps without service pack 8 where we don’t see this issue at all, able to see + button to add component on both segment and experience fragment pages. Is this known issue on service pack 8?


Note -  Restarted my AEM instance after installation of service pack 8, tried restarting my entire machine as well. Tried to setup 3 AEM instances and all ended up the same problem.


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8 Replies


Level 5

It works properly in my local aem 6.4.8 instance, Please find the screenshot of the same.

Did you try to restart the AEM instance after installing the service pack ? If you see the issue , Can you try with a new AEM instance as it does not look like SP issue.



Level 4
Yes, I restarted my AEM instance after installtion of service pack 8, tried restarting my entire machine. Note I tried to setup 3 AEM instances and all ended up the same problem


@Anderson_Hamer Do you see some error in console and error.log?

Kautuk Sahni


Level 4
I have already mentioned error logs above. Error logs - 25.06.2020 18:07:21.218 *WARN* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1593088641140] GET /editor.html/conf/we-retail/settings/wcm/segments/test123.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.caconfig.resource.impl.def.DefaultConfigurationResourceResolvingStrategy Ignoring reference to /conf/we-retail/settings from /conf/we-retail/settings - Probably misconfigured as it ends with '/settings'


I can only see Warning but not the error.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 4
Yes, Aem gives only warning on this page. There is no error. Are you sure it is working with sp8?


Level 1

Hi @Anderson_Hamer,


I hope you got the resolution of this issue.

I am stuck at the same point after a year. Any inputs on how to resolve this issue? I am not able to insert any components on the page editor.








Level 4

It was an issues with service 6.4.8. The service pack did not install properly that was caused all the issues. Setup a new instance and install service pack and leave the instance for sometime to set everything