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Uber Jar 6.4 build failure due to GuideSubmitUtil


Level 3

Hi everyone,

We are getting the error while creating the build using Maven 3.5.4 for AEM 6.4.

Error read as below:  Compilation failure: package com.adobe.aemds.guide.utils does not exist

symbol:   variable GuideSubmitUtils

We have changed the UBER Jar version from 6.3.0 to 6.4.0 in the base POM file.








I checked the Adobe Public Repository (Index of /groups/public/com/adobe/aemds/core ) and I don't see guide.utils there. Is there anyway I can achieve Build Success.



6 Replies


Level 10

I am checking internally to determine if this is a known issue.


Level 3

Thanks Scott - Meanwhile you're internally verifying with your team. Is there any workaround we can get to resolve the build?




Community Advisor

I exactly wanted



this artifact . I got it from the felix of my AEM server. For me the issue is resolved.