Hi All,
I am unable to run the Twitter Feed scheduler. Could you please help on this.
[sling-default-4-com.adobe.acs.commons.twitter.impl.TwitterFeedScheduler.34311] com.adobe.acs.commons.twitter.impl.TwitterFeedUpdaterImpl Twitter component found on /content/my-Project/en/configurations/twitter/commission, but page cannot be adapted to Twitter API. Check Cloud SErvice configuration
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Check the pointers about the following, mentioned in this official feature page.- https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/social/twitter/index.html
We need to create Cloud Service Config for Twitter and associate the config to the desired site page.
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
THanks for working on this, let me do the config changes and if any issues I'll let you know.
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
I have done all the changes which you have suggested and still facing same issue. Please refer the all the screen shots. COuld you please help on this.
The created configuration is not added to the site root. (hence page is not getting adapted to Twitter)
Your configuration is available in /conf/global - set that to Page properties and try. (Ideally can create config under project specific /conf path. For now you try with this. Once you see it working, you can move to project specific path)
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
I have already added the to the Site root Page properties as below. Still i am facing same issue.
No worries. Can you try creating the property manually like I said in my initial response.
This is in site root page's jcr:content - Eg: /content/demo/jcr:content (add property to this node)
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
I have added same under/content/myproject/jcr:content. Please refer the screen shot. still facing same issue.
It should be a Multi property (Delete this and create it as Multi String property - Select Multi Button)
If it is still not working, create a logger in http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog for the class - com.adobe.acs.commons.twitter.impl.TwitterAdapterFactory at Debug Level and share the logs upon execution.
HI Vijayalakshmi,
I have added the TwitterAdapterFactory Class to Debug Level as below and tried to get the logs.But there is no logs for this class. Still facing same issue.
Check the pointers about the following, mentioned in this official feature page.- https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/social/twitter/index.html
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
Really sorry for late reply, ACS commons version is 4.12.0 and
Still i am facing issue only I think it is not adapting the TWitter.class
Twitter client = (Twitter)page.adaptTo(Twitter.class);
Could you please help on this.
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