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Translation picking wrong language code


Level 1


When adding a page for translation with target language en_gb, the source path is automatically set with en-gb instead of en_gb and translated page is created under en-gb. It seems like AEM is picking the first matching language in Sites, instead of correctly identifying the actual language code.


3 Replies


Community Advisor


If you are using AEM Translation Projects, verify the translation job setup to ensure that en_gb is being used instead of en-gb.
In some cases, manually setting the language root in the translation configuration may help.


Shiv Prakash

Hi @Shiv_Prakash_Patel,


We are trying translate any page under en_gb it's getting translated under en-gb. "-" always have preference.

Let's say i have taken any page under hierarchy /content/projectname/en to translate into target language English(en_gb), it's creating translated page under /content/projectname/en-gb hierarchy in place of en_gb.


Any feasible solution for above use case.

Note - we are selecting correct language code in translation project(advance tab - English[en_gb]). 



@KARTHIKAV1 Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if you need more information. If a response worked, kindly mark it as correct for posterity; alternatively, if you found a solution yourself, we’d appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni