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Changing images using Universal Editor throws com.adobe.aem.dam.impl.DamAssetRenditionImpl Unknown rendition type: cq5dam.preview.pdf error


Community Advisor


I implemented universal editor on top of my react application and works great. The content fragment path from graphql is mapped and page is serving _publishUrl for images.


Text and richtext editing immediately reflects on the app.


But when I change the assets, the new changed asset doesn't load immediately. After changing the asset, I have to hard refresh page and then it reflects. At AEM author logs, it throws below error


08.01.2025 23:59:36.884 [cm-p-aem-author-754d4d4cf7-qt72z] *WARN* [[48a998fe-7065-4b4b-b7dd-2ac866ab6ce5][aem-assets-backend-nr-1][]] com.adobe.aem.dam.impl.DamAssetRenditionImpl Unknown rendition type: cq5dam.preview.pdf
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.adobe.aem.dam.api.DamRenditionType.PREVIEW
	at java.base/java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:240)
	at com.adobe.aem.dam.api.DamRenditionType.valueOf(DamRenditionType.java:21) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.dam.impl.DamAssetRenditionImpl.getIntent(DamAssetRenditionImpl.java:210) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.file.FileLinksFactory.configureRenditionLink(FileLinksFactory.java:326) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.file.FileLinksFactory.configureRenditionLink(FileLinksFactory.java:295) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.file.FileLinksFactory.createLink(FileLinksFactory.java:247) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.file.FileLinksFactory.getRenditionLinks(FileLinksFactory.java:230) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.file.FileLinksFactory.getLinksForResource(FileLinksFactory.java:140) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.LinksFactoryBase.getResourceLinks(LinksFactoryBase.java:95) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.resource.ResourceLinksService.getResourceLinks(ResourceLinksService.java:116) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.MetadataService.buildRepositoryMetadata(MetadataService.java:233) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.MetadataService.getRepositoryMetadata(MetadataService.java:149) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.MetadataService.entitiesToMetadata(MetadataService.java:441) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.MetadataService.createPagedResult(MetadataService.java:389) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]
	at com.adobe.aem.repoapi.impl.entity.MetadataService.generatePagedResultWithQuery(MetadataService.java:376) [com.adobe.aem.repoapi:2.0.506]



I can confirm, when changing asset from editor, the correct asset path is getting updated into content fragment. Just the Universal editor is not self refreshing to render new image. Is this normal? Anyone faced this issue?





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3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @sarav_prakash 
From the error we can see AEM might be trying to fetch a rendition type (cq5dam.preview.pdf) that does not exist or is not correctly configured.
Make sure that the asset renditions are correctly generated in AEM. Check the DAM configuration and confirm that all necessary renditions (e.g., original, cq5dam.web.1280.1280, etc.) are available. If cq5dam.preview.pdf is not needed, verify why it’s being requested.
If you don't need this rendition type, check if any workflow is adding an unnecessary dependency.

Also check if React application not reacting to the updated asset path from AEM. Universal Editor’s self-refresh behavior depends on how changes are communicated back to the app. Confirm that the updated asset URL is being pushed correctly from AEM to the app. Use debugging tools to verify if GraphQL queries or APIs return the updated URL immediately after a change.

Also, a hard refresh seems to be working fine means the issue can be related to the cache also. Check all cache behaviours with respect to CDN, dispatcher and browser.

You can also try contacting the adobe support team since you are using Universal Editor.


Community Advisor

Yup usual suspects already ruled out. assets are healthy having all default renditions. No idea what is this .pdf rendition and why universal editor alone cribs for this rendition.

assets work everywer else and inside universal editor also upon refresh. 


checking if anyone have integrated universal editor and got assets refreshing automatically? or is it normal authors are expected to refresh page after changing assets on ue?



@sarav_prakash Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you need more information. If a response worked, kindly mark it as correct for posterity; alternatively, if you found a solution yourself, we’d appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni