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Translation Job Status


Level 2

We have created translation jobs programmatically and within workflow participant step - we have given an option to "Start Translation". We are using third part translator - they are doing manual translation and send the response back to AEM. Until and unless we refresh the translation job page eg: http://localhost:4502/projects/details.html/content/projects/test-poc - we don't see the change in translation job status. 


We tried refreshing the translation job page via curl, postman request - we received 200 response but the translation job status is not getting changed. Only when we log into AEM and load this page - status change happens.


Are there any other ways to refresh this page without user visiting translation job page manually because we are looking for property change event and triggering one more workflow for reviewing the translated changes. Let us  know if there are any alternatives to manual page refresh. 


Whenever we trigger "Start Translation" - at the backend "sync-translation-job" workflow gets triggered and it "Sync translation page with children if requested." and when we receive the updates from 3rd party translator - this "sync-translation-job" workflow doesn't gets triggered. Can we capture any events once 3rd party translator sends the translated response.


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4 Replies



@MukeshYadav_ @arunpatidar @khamat_bn @TarunKumar @pradeepdubey82  would you please take a moment to review this question? We would be grateful if you could share your suggestion on this question.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 7

Did you select the checkbox (handler advance) in workflow process to make sure it moves to the next step once current step completed it's execution?


Level 2

We have selected the checkbox for handler advance option in all the process steps. No Issue with the workflows.


Problem we are facing is until and unless we manually refresh the translation project page where all jobs are listed - the status of the translation job doesn't change. If we get an alternative for manual page refresh then we are good. We tried with curl and postman. It didn't help. 


In screen sharing session - Our 3rd party translator vendor showed how they are doing the translation and sending the response. No issues at their end as well.

When we check the page for the translated content - it doesn't reflect until and unless we refresh translation project page. Only upon refresh - status is getting changed and translated content is showing up. 


We have written listener as well which will listen for status change event and trigger other workflow for reviewing the translated content. We are good with this step. Only status change is not happening until translation project page refresh. 


Workflows are all working as expected.


There is one configuration by name "Translation Platform Configuration" where we can give cron expression for changing the scheduling (syncTranslationState.schedulingFormat). we have set it to run for every 5 minutes. Even this didn't help. PFB screenshot for the configuration.




Level 2

Can anyone confirm that the manual refresh of the Translation Job page is a pre-requisite for all "Human Translation" jobs?

Is there any documentation evidence available? 

Should the scheduler pickup the updated status without manual refresh of the job page?

How AEM pulls the files back into AEM from Translation service in case of Human Translation? - Can someone provide insights on this? Is there a polling job set to check for updates or event listener?



Sumit Kulkarni