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Timeline event


Level 4

How can I create my own event and use it instead of using Timeline Event in the code of comment.jsp in the path: /libs/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/timeline/events/comment/comment.jsp

7 Replies


Level 10

Could you please explain your use case? What kind of event do you want to create?


Level 4

I checked the Comment.jsp file, which gets rendered in Timeline. It uses the Timeline event. I wanted to use the code of Comment.jsp somewhere else outside the Timeline, so how can I make it work without Timeline event. This is why I asked about other events.

The path for Comment.jsp is:


and the code snippet is as such:

TimelineEvent event = (TimelineEvent) request.getAttribute("cq.gui.common.admin.timeline.event");

You will get a better idea if you check that code.


Level 10

Is this API what you are referring to?

"The Adobe AEM Quickstart and Web Application."


Level 4

Yes, you are right. After I checked the code in Comment.jsp file, I checked this API to understand Timeline event better. Is there any other way to get the event? Since, I am not working with Timeline rail, thus I wont get the timeline event. But I want to use the the same functionality of Comment which we see in Timeline.


Community Advisor


What do you mean by event?

You can want to create event topic and properties, if yes check Apache Felix - Apache Felix Event Admin

acs-aem-samples/SampleOsgiEventEmitter.java at master · Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-samples · ...

Arun Patidar


Level 4

Well, I want to use the functionality of Comment, which we see in Timeline rail. But, I don't want to use the comment functionality in the Timeline. So, I wont be able to fetch the timeline event, which is being used in the code of Comment. Is there any other way to make it work?


Level 10

I am not aware of any other way.