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Tags versus Metadata in search and results


Level 1

I am trying to determine if an assets metadata field (in my case, "Image Credit") is treated differently during indexing, search, and sorting than an assets tag (in my case, "Asset Type" tag level 1, and "Photo" tag level 2). Unsure where to look, read, learn. Thank you.

4 Replies


Level 1

Appreciate the quick response, but that page does not give me any insight into how asset properties (metadata, e.g. dc:title) and custom properties like tags (cq:tags) are handled with Oak query and results. So when performing a query are the properties and tags indexed the same, are the results scored the same, etc.?


Level 10

From a technical perceptive - Lucene indexing should not treat them differently. For more information OAK Indexing, see this GEMS session - Oak Lucene Indexes