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tagpicker input field - create tags under a specific folder/namespace


Level 4


do you know if it's possible to configure the tags input field cq/gui/components/common/tagspicker to save the tags created on the fly (write the tag in the input field and press enter) under a specific folder?

e.g., the author is configuring the keywords for a certain page, we want to save those keywords under /etc/tags/websites/keywords instead of the default /etc/tags/default.


4 Replies


Level 10

The TagPicker widget lets you select existing tags from the AEM JCR.

YOu can write your own service using TagManager API and place them at the location you want.


Level 6

OOB does not provide any widget to create a Tag on fly on tagpicker. You need a new widget or servlet to do that using TagManager or Node API.


Level 4

The tag picker also allows to create new tags on the fly. See the keywords input field in the page properties .. These are saved by default under /etc/tags/default

what I would like to achieve is saving them under a specific folder

do you know if it’s possible?

