Please provide support for Blue Green Deployment in Adobe AEM Cloud SErvice, not in Adobe AEM Managed Services. All the documents like this one experts are pointing out is only for AMS.
Please provide guidance or the right documentation. If not available, please provide us a pathway to include this in to an engineering request.
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In AEMaaCS, deployments use a blue/green strategy for zero downtime. The AEM Author and Publish tiers run as Docker containers managed by a standard Container Orchestration Service. During each deployment, old containers are replaced with new ones by combining a baseline image with deployment packages. The CDN is switched to the new instances, ensuring seamless updates.
All of this happens in the background, so unlike AMS Blue/Green, you cannot pause the process or use both containers simultaneously.
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It seems there's some confusion. AEMaaCS cannot be hosted outside of Adobe infrastructure, meaning you must use AMS, so you must adhere to Cloud Manager. One of its main tasks is to deploy code following using the blue/green pattern. Please refer to the details here:
Hope this helps
In AEM as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS), Cloud Manager handles the deployment process, ensuring that every build is first deployed to the Stage environment before proceeding to Production. This approach guarantees build stability and maintains zero downtime in the Production system, avoiding any disruption for end users.
You can explore the deployment pipeline concepts in detail here:
Deployment Pipelines - Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
With AEMaaCS and Cloud Manager, deployment to Production is strictly gated by the successful deployment to Stage. If any issues are detected with the build, Cloud Manager prevents it from progressing to Stage, thereby safeguarding the stability of the Production environment.
In AEMaaCS, deployments use a blue/green strategy for zero downtime. The AEM Author and Publish tiers run as Docker containers managed by a standard Container Orchestration Service. During each deployment, old containers are replaced with new ones by combining a baseline image with deployment packages. The CDN is switched to the new instances, ensuring seamless updates.
All of this happens in the background, so unlike AMS Blue/Green, you cannot pause the process or use both containers simultaneously.
You can raise feature request at
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