I am looking for a solution to document a custom component, more like a Component Library or Storybook for the author team and developers. Searching for the same, I came across the ui.frontend module guide on experience league.
The first thing is regarding Component Library, it has mentioned that "we could use Component Library and work at the component level rather than the page level." Is there any document/guide that shows how to implement this?
Link to section Using Webpack Static Development Server: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/developing/archetyp...

Regarding Storybook, there is a section in the doc on "Using Storybook" (attached a link below). It has been mentioned that "...you can install it and store your Storybook artifacts within the ui.frontend module. When ready for testing within AEM, they can be deployed as ClientLibs by running npm run dev." I have no clue on how to implement this. So, it would be great if someone can share the idea if have done it or have a link to the doc/blog/page that I can refer to. I can implement Storybook on my own but there will be a lot of manual work.
Link to section Using Storybook: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/developing/archetyp...
For both Storybook and Client Library, I am looking for an idea on how to implement the way it has been mentioned in the doc. If someone has done it and can share how to do it, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.