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Standard Rollout Configurations from old path do not get picked in AEM 6.4


Level 2

Hi Team ,

I am working on a migration project from AEM 6.0 to AEM 6.4 , where in we have used the OOTB AEM MSM functionality. Now as per documenation Adobe Experience Manager Help | Common Repository Restructuring in AEM 6.4 , it is not mandatory to move the Rollout Configurations from /etc/msm/rolloutConfigs , However AEM has moved the standard Rollout Configurations for e.g (/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/default, /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/activate, /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/deactivate, /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/pushonmodify) to their respective new locations i.e /libs/msm/wcm/rolloutconfigs/xxxx. AS a result of which the OOTB standard Rollout Configurations are not being picked in Rollout Configuration of LiveCopy Section of the Page properties and the page  Rollout is also NOT working for that matter.

Any Suggestion ? Apart from Running Content Migration Scripts to correct the property value of /jcr:content/cq:LiveSyncConfig/cq:rolloutConfigs .

Any kind of help is much appreciated.

4 Replies


Employee Advisor

When we did the same migration from AEM 6.0 to AEM 6.4, we adjusted the path for our rollout configs to the new location, while leaving most of the other things still where they were on 6.4. Cleaning up this is planned for the next sprints.



Level 1

hello @Jörg_Hoh 


is there any documentation to make the custom rollout configs and custom live actions work.

I see that Adobe documentation is still based on /etc/msn where rollout configs are of type cq:page. instead /libs/msn/rolloutconfigs are cq:RolloutConfig


Employee Advisor

Please report such discrepancies in the documentation to support, so it can get fixed.


To address the issue you described: The only thing I can imagine is that you overlayed or customized some things based on AEM 6.0, which have changed with AEM 6.4, so that the overlays are not working properly anymore.


Have you run through the inline upgrade or did you start with a fresh AEM 6.4 instance and deployed your content and application on top of it via packages/grabit/...?




Level 1


I have been able to resolve this following these steps in AEM 6.4.0:

1-I installed the aem-service-pkg-6.4.8.zip to upgrade my instance.

2-create the path /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs:

    -msm : is of type [sling:Folder]

    -rorolloutconfigs: is of type [sling:OrderedFolder]

3-go to http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs and reate a rollout configurations: edit > new Page >

      Capture d’écran 2020-03-26 à 13.41.20.png


4- go back to http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs and add your cq:LiveSyncAction under jcr:content


fore: /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/my-rollout-config copy a cq:LiveSyncAction to 




5- copy the rollout configuration you juste created to /apps/msm/wcm/rolloutconfigs 


you should be able to see your custom rollout configuration after this.