I have a quickstart jar. After running it for a while, I see in the logs that Java VM is shutting down and sling is stopping. Any idea what is going on ?
My java version is 1.8 SE
I am giving Xmx 1024m while starting the jar.
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Are you able to log into AEM? Never heard of this issue before - checking with internal ppl.
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yes, the app comes up. I am even able to play around a bit, but then after few mins ~11 mins in some cases or ~1 hour when I give more memory, sling shuts down by itself.
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Can you check your error.log. do you see any java max heap memory error ?
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I checked the error log, it does not have any max heap errors. I can share it with you. I uploaded my error.log here. https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/object/symphony-aem/error.log?region=us-east-1&tab=overview
I know this is cumbersome, but maybe you can look towards the end of the file and might be able to tell me what is going wrong.
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Support stated:
I have not seen a similar issue before.
I can say, that 1Gb of Xmx is low then a minimum requirement.
Considering that AEM 6.x use nmap mempry for tar files it is very well memory usage related issue.
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How much memory is recommended ? I can try that straight away and get back to you.
Ok I am trying with 3G for Author and Publisher. I will post here if I see the same issue again.
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It stopped again. This time with 3G of memory. I piped the console logs to a file and here is the output
1.11.2017 21:15:56.632 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.home=sling (default)
01.11.2017 21:15:56.633 *INFO * [main] Starting Apache Sling in /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/sling
01.11.2017 21:15:56.636 *INFO * [main] Sling Extension Lib Home : /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/sling/ext
01.11.2017 21:15:56.639 *INFO * [main] Checking launcher JAR in folder /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/sling
01.11.2017 21:15:56.648 *INFO * [main] Existing launcher is up to date, using it: (org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar)
01.11.2017 21:15:56.649 *INFO * [main] Loading launcher class org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.app.MainDelegate from org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar
01.11.2017 21:15:56.650 *INFO * [main] External Libs Home (ext) is null or does not exists.
01.11.2017 21:15:56.659 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.launchpad=/home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/sling
01.11.2017 21:15:56.660 *INFO * [main] Starting launcher ...
01.11.2017 21:15:56.668 *INFO * [main] HTTP server port: 4052
01.11.2017 21:15:57.805 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.settings.impl.SlingSettingsServiceImpl Read Sling ID d5e8ea37-5b5d-4968-b8e1-aabde9a4eb4d from file /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/sling/felix/bundle7/data/sling.id.file
01.11.2017 21:15:57.821 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.settings.impl.SlingSettingsServiceImpl Active run modes: [crx3, author, samplecontent, crx3tar]
01.11.2017 21:15:57.854 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice Service [org.apache.sling.commons.logservice.internal.LogServiceFactory,13, [org.osgi.service.log.LogService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.855 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice Service [org.apache.sling.commons.logservice.internal.LogReaderServiceFactory,14, [org.osgi.service.log.LogReaderService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.855 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.logservice BundleEvent STARTED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.856 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.configadmin BundleEvent STARTING
01.11.2017 21:15:57.863 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.configadmin Service [org.apache.felix.cm.file.FilePersistenceManager,15, [org.apache.felix.cm.PersistenceManager]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.877 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.configadmin Service [org.apache.felix.cm.ConfigurationAdmin,16, [org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationAdmin]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.879 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.settings Service [org.apache.sling.settings.impl.SlingSettingsServiceImpl,17, [org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.884 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.configadmin BundleEvent STARTED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.884 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core BundleEvent STARTING
01.11.2017 21:15:57.974 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core Service [Apache Sling Bundle Install Task Factory,18, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.InstallTaskFactory]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.975 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core Service [Apache Sling Installer - Default Resource Transformer,19, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.ResourceTransformer]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.975 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core Service [Apache Sling Installer Controller Service,20, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.OsgiInstaller, org.apache.sling.installer.api.info.InfoProvider, org.apache.sling.installer.api.ResourceChangeListener, org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.RetryHandler]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.977 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.factory.configuration Service [Apache Sling Configuration Install Task Factory,21, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.InstallTaskFactory, org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationListener, org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.ResourceTransformer]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.978 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core Service [Apache Sling Installer Controller Service,22, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.jmx.InstallerMBean, org.apache.sling.installer.api.event.InstallationListener]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.978 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.installer.core BundleEvent STARTED
01.11.2017 21:15:57.978 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log BundleEvent STARTING
01.11.2017 21:15:57.980 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] org.apache.sling.installer.core.impl.OsgiInstallerImpl Apache Sling OSGi Installer Service started.
01.11.2017 21:15:57.996 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager,23, [org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.001 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager.factory.writer,24, [org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedServiceFactory]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.004 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager.factory.config,25, [org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedServiceFactory]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.015 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [Sling Log Support,26, [javax.servlet.Servlet]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.017 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [Sling Log Configuration Printer,27, [org.apache.sling.commons.log.logback.internal.SlingConfigurationPrinter]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.017 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log Service [Sling Log Reset Event Handler,28, [org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.023 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log.logback.internal.Activator LogbackManager initialized at bundle startup
01.11.2017 21:15:58.023 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.commons.log BundleEvent STARTED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.040 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.launchpad.installer BundleEvent RESOLVED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.041 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.launchpad.installer BundleEvent STARTING
01.11.2017 21:15:58.044 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.launchpad.installer Service [Apache Sling Launchpad Startup Listener,29, [org.apache.sling.installer.api.event.InstallationListener]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
01.11.2017 21:15:58.045 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.sling.launchpad.installer.impl.LaunchpadConfigInstaller Activating launchpad config installer, configuration path=resources/config, install path=resources/install
Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via file I/O.
Attempting to load ESAPI.properties as resource file via file I/O.
Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/ESAPI.properties
Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi/ESAPI.properties
Not found in 'user.home' (/home/ubuntu) directory: /home/ubuntu/esapi/ESAPI.properties
Loading ESAPI.properties via file I/O failed. Exception was: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via the classpath.
SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ESAPI.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class!
Attempting to load validation.properties via file I/O.
Attempting to load validation.properties as resource file via file I/O.
Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: /home/ubuntu/aem-install/author/validation.properties
Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi/validation.properties
Not found in 'user.home' (/home/ubuntu) directory: /home/ubuntu/esapi/validation.properties
Loading validation.properties via file I/O failed.
Attempting to load validation.properties via the classpath.
SUCCESSFULLY LOADED validation.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class!
01.11.2017 21:16:23.046 *INFO * [main] Startup completed
01.11.2017 21:32:26.649 *INFO * [Apache Sling Terminator] Java VM is shutting down
01.11.2017 21:32:26.650 *INFO * [Apache Sling Terminator] Stopping Apache Sling
01.11.2017 21:32:38.067 *INFO * [Sling Notifier] Apache Sling has been stopped
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Unable to access error.log link.
I would suggest you to create a support ticket for this as this requires some debugging.
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