Hi @Luis_Ochoa
could you please check
<!-- Assuming 'myList' is the List<Map<String, List<Pojo>>> variable available in your context -->
<ul data-sly-list="${myList}">
<!-- Outer loop: Iterating through the List<Map<String, List<Pojo>>> -->
<!-- Extracting the map from the list item -->
<sly data-sly-test="${item['myMap']}" data-sly-use.myMap="${item['myMap']}">
<p>Map Key: ${item.key}</p>
<!-- Inner loop: Iterating through the Map<String, List<Pojo>> -->
<ul data-sly-list="${myMap}">
<!-- Extracting the list from the map item -->
<sly data-sly-test="${item['myList']}" data-sly-use.myList="${item['myList']}">
<p>List Key: ${item.key}</p>
<!-- Innermost loop: Iterating through the List<Pojo> -->
<ul data-sly-list="${myList}">
<!-- Add more properties as needed -->
Arun Patidar