i am overriding the tabs component.
i need to add a pathbrowser to the dialog.
The dialog is being fetched from /apps/core/wcm/components/commons/editor/dialog/childreneditor.
if i add a pathbrowser to it using the below code , the value is empty.
i figured out we need to give the value attribute.
But how can i retrive the value of the pathbrowser as the whole multifield is in repeating over the list. i got he cuurent node in ${item.name} but it is retrieving as string.
is it possible to parse the string and get the node in sightly.
<div class="coral-Form--Custom-path">
<label class="coral-Form-fieldlabel coral-Form--Path">Enter Path</label>
<span data-init="pathbrowser" data-root-path="/" data-option-loader="" data-picker-src="/libs/wcm/core/content/common/pathbrowser/column.html?predicate=hierarchyNotFile" data-crumb-root="">
<input class="coral-InputGroup-input coral-Textfield js-coral-pathbrowser-input ng-pristine ng-valid custom-pathbrowser" placeholder="Enter path to resource" type="text" name="./${item.name}/urlField" value="${item.value}"
autocomplete="off" aria-owns="coral-1" ng-model="app.resource" ng-change="dirty()" ng-blur="blur()" id="coral-2" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" >
<button class="coral-Button coral-Button--secondary coral-Button--square js-coral-pathbrowser-button" type="button" title="Browse">
<i class="coral-Icon coral-Icon--sizeS coral-Icon--folderSearch"></i>