I am working on Project modernization for my client and they had following feature in their dialog and it is using sling:resourceSuperType to foundation/components/image
There is no much information on how it will render the page in the image.jsp class. When I went through the implementation, I realized this change added to the image on the page by OOTB implementation.
Now I created my new Image component, and it is pointing to core/components/image/v2/image. When I add above the same sizefield and numberfield for height and width in my component, it is not rendering those values in the image on my page.
Why it got removed from the core component dialog and how they covered in new implementation ?
what would be the best implementation if we need to add in our dialog?
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Go through these links for customizing the core components
If size field is not present in OOTB(image -v2) and you have added it yourself in dialog. Then take values from the field and manage the size of image.
Hi @ramaem12
Core Image components provides more adaptive/responsive image options. There is no option for width and height but there are options to edit the image and crop it as per requirment. In design dialog(component policy) of the core component, there is otions to add crop predefined options. Refer https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-core-components/using/components/image.htm... to learn more about image component. You might get better option.
If you want to add the needed size options. you can refer https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-core-components/using/developing/customizi... on how to customize the core comonents.
Below are few more links that can help you to customize core component :
https://levelup.gitconnected.com/aem-extend-core-component-models-using-resource-type-association-an...(This seems more appropriate as the example used is core vs image component).
Hope it helps!