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Setting the last column in path browser view with parsys component data


Level 4


I am trying to setup the last column with data from the parsys component on path browser widget in touch ui using content reference component.  I have written js to do this. However, it works only after few clicks

I am using AEM 6.1 SP2 CFP12 As per the documentation there are two events coral-columnview-item-select and coral-columnview-load

It seems that there is additional event which I don't see any documentation. Some how

there are functions like



gets invoked from coral ui, not sure which events call these function.s I am sure it is not even click

As you can see it show what is on parsys text but only after few clicks.

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 7.04.28 PM.png

CRX Package can be downloaded here

Dropbox - pathbrowser-issue-1.0.zip

4 Replies


Level 10

Basically - you are trying to extend the OOTB PathBrowser Granite type and its not working? Also please point me to the reference docs you are using.


Level 4

I am using content reference component ootb which has path browser field.

In ootb it doesn't display what content is there on parsys node in touch ui. Authors have difficulty in identifying what content is there on particular node to select in content reference.

I am trying to display the content using js

Documentation is available here

ColumnView Documentation | CoralUI


Level 10

Can you please repackage the content and include all of the files - including the component. If you want community to load this to help figure it out - we need the component too and the dialog that uses the custom type.


Level 4

Created page in Geometrixx demo site, using ootb content reference component

On the page I added two content reference components

Select two samples text from the



As you load the pathbrowser for content reference first time and select any of this text or change u may not see the text in last column

it shows only after few clicks

package can be downloaded with page and code here

Dropbox - pathbrowser-issue-1.1.zip