Hi All,
After upgrading to aem 6.5.6(inplace from 6.5.6) i am facing with POST and DELETE calls are going to 204 instead of 302 or 200.
Please let me know if any came across this issue.
When am trying to hit with the above url am able to see the data.
Whem am accessing through application after upgrade am facing this 204 issues am not able see any errors related to this servlet.
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@santhoshm687661can you please provide the Request Progress Log for this request? This should help shed quite a bit of light of what's going on - ex. does it stop processing at the CORS filter, or some other Filter, or is it resolving to the incorrect servlet, etc.
There is no known issue with any version of AEM that turns non-204 responses to 204 responses. I understand that this used to work pre-upgrade and doesn't now - but you'll have to help w/ the investigation if you want to pinpoint and resolve the problem - else we're all just taking guesses
Please find the attached scree-shot and not able to see any post method in the requests.
@santhoshm687661 Note that the UI says it shows a maximum of 20 requests at a time. So here's what you need to do (and do these steps in rapid succession).
1. Tap the clear button on the Requests console (top right)
2. Trigger a POST to the end-point
3. Refresh the Requests console page
4. Click on the POST to the end-point
If this is a local instance, you can also use AEM Chrome Plugin to capture this data on a per-request basis (its actually immensely hands for development, IMO)
I have did all the above but still am seeing the same issue.
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@davidjgonzalezzzz Please let me know still am facing the same issue and let me know if i miss something.
Looks like there are too many other requests coming in with that POST.
Can you try increasing the number of requests logged as described here?
Maybe try setting it to 50 or 100 -- just remember to turn it back to 20 after you've grabbed the logs though.
Am not seeing any of my servlet request is getting tracked in the above.
@davidjgonzalezzzz Please suggest if anything i am missing here.
Am able to access the servlets directly with IP and Akamai URLS.
Only handshake with POST calls throwing 204.
@davidjgonzalezzzz Please let me know still if i miss anything.
Are you saying you can reproduce the issue by hitting AEM Publish directly via IP?
Do you have multiple AEM Publish instances? Are you sure the one you're getting Recent Requests for is the one you are hitting?
when am trying to access the API in publisher and Akamai url am getting the output with the success.
Whem am trying to perfrom operation in application for all the post calls am seeing the 204 issue.
I am trying with single publish instance.