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Service config property values reverting to defaults



The following issue was raised by an Adobe partner...

We are facing an strange problem post AEM upgrade to 6.3.

We have OSGI service configurations, that has a default value in the code (usual implementation). The service config property values are of course modified in the environment from OSGI console (http://<HOST>:4503/system/console/config). This was working in AEM 6.1. After the upgrade to AEM 6.3, we have noticed sometime in some of the environments, the modified values are not getting picked up and instead the default value from the code is getting picked up. While investigating, I don’t see anything unusual. Like the modified configurations are present under /apps/system/config. Also, I have noticed, if I rename the file.config (just an example) to file1.config and then rename back to file.config, the modified configurations are getting picked up.

Could you please help us on this problem to fix it permanently?

12 Replies


Community Advisor


Can you let us know how you are setting default property in java code.

There are 2 ways to do it, using defaultValue attribute or using default marker.


@AttributeDefinition(name = "user.name", description = "User Name")

String getUserName() default "AEM";

@AttributeDefinition(name = "user.name", description = "User Name", defaultValue="AEM")

String getUserName();

I am not sure if this is gonna help or not.

Arun Patidar


Level 1

It is done in the recommended way and was working fine, with AEM 6.1 for ages. The issues we started noticing right after the in-place AEM upgrade to AEM 6.3,

Code snippets,

@Component(immediate = true, label = "ABC Service Config", description = "ABC Service Config", metatype = true)


        @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, value = "ABCServiceConfig"),

        @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, value = "ABC") })

@Service(value = ABCServiceConfig.class)

public class ABCServiceConfig {

    @Property(label = "Display TripPlan Servlet", value = "DisplayTripPlanServlet", description = "Servlet for Display Trip Plan")

    public static final String DISPLAY_TRIP_PLAN_SERVLET = "displayTripPlanServlet";





protected void activate(ComponentContext context) {

        this.context = context;

        siteConfigConstants = getAllPropertiesAsJSON();



     * This method is used to get configuration value configured for respective

     * key on System console.


     * @param key

     * - Property key

     * @return value


    public static String getPropertyValue(String key) {

        return (String) context.getProperties().get(key);




     * @return



     * This method is used to get configuration values configured for respective

     * key on System console.


     * @param key

     * - Property key

     * @return values


    public static String[] getPropertyValues(String key) {

        return (String[]) context.getProperties().get(key);



Community Advisor

I would recommend for 6.3, you should use osgi r6 annotations instead of felix scr annotations.

Arun Patidar


Level 1

I found this, somewhat related to my problem,

AEM 6.3 Configuration bound to wrong bundle launchpad:resources/install/0/org.apache.sling.scriptin...

OSGI R6 annotation - can I get sample code (s)/ good documentation somewhere?


Community Advisor


Employee Advisor

Switching the way how the metatype XML files are created do not make the problem go away. These annotations are build-time annotations and not evaluated during runtime.

The default value is a metatype default value, and the fact that it is getting picked up shows that this configuration is not found. An incorrect binding of the config (as you already found) can indeed be the problem.


Level 1

Thanks for your response, could you please suggest me something more, how can I fix the issue, progress further.


Level 1

OSGI R6 implementation did not help. the problem persists, the exact problem.


Level 1

R6 implementation did not help. the exact problem is still there


Level 1

updating the version worked of the dependency worked for me,

this is what I have in core pom






































Community Advisor

Did you changed all the scr annotations to OSGI and that worked?


Level 1

Hey @sean_gubler ,
Did you get any fix for this?
I am working with 6.5.8 and see similar issue, the code worked fine with 6.4.8 but as we upgraded we are observing this issue where configuration value fallback to default value intermittently.