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Search for three most recent modified pages from a location [say /content/test] and populate three components which just have a pathfield in it.


Level 9

Hi All,

1] I am able to somehow handle scenario #1[i.e, search for recent modified pages in a given location]

2] However, I am not sure how to populate the pages returned into three separate components[which just have a path field in it] 

Any thoughts/pointers on this will be helpful.

4 Replies


Level 10

you want th result set to show up in three components? Where are the three compoents located? Also, where do you invoke the query from?


Level 7


This should be  a straight forward solution. Just write a scheduler or service based on your bussiness requirement. Then fire the query, get the pages and modify/populate components using JCR API. 






You can create a service/component which will query JCR for Last modified pages (Via JCR API, Query manager API etc).

You can use this result in modifying/Adding Default value to component dialog pathfield.

Reference article for Querying:-

Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/querying-experience-manager-data-using1.html

Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/using-query-builder-api1.html

Link:- https://hashimkhan.in/2015/12/02/query-builder/

Link:- http://aemcq5.blogspot.in/2014/11/cq5-querybuilder-simplified.html


Reference article to fill default values:

Link:- http://blogs.adobe.com/dekesmith/2012/10/05/setting-default-values-on-cq-components/

Link:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27059863/cq5-dynamically-set-defaultvalue-in-components-dialog-us...

Link:- https://myprogressivelearning.wordpress.com/2015/01/21/setting-default-value-to-the-drop-down-of-dia...


I hope this would be of some use to you.

Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni



Kautuk Sahni


Level 9

Hi Scott,

Thank you for your reply.

Based on the path selected in the components pathfield, we are taking querybuilder approach to get the results.

Yes, there should be three similar components[each one with just pathfiled in it] on the page and the pages returned should get populated in the pathfield of these three components.