Rich Text Editor in touchUI dialog is not working for us even in out of the box text component.
We are getting this error in the console whenever we try out of the box text component or our custom component.
richtext.min.5-42--0.js:1148 Uncaught TypeError: a.rte.ui.cui.DefaultFullScreenAdapter is not a constructor
at c.initializeEditorKernel (richtext.min.5-42--0.js:1148)
at c.startEditing (richtext.min.5-42--0.js:1160)
at c.start (richtext.min.5-42--0.js:1161)
at c (richtext.min.5-42--0.js:812)
at Object.success (richtext.min.5-42--0.js:812)
at k (jquery.min.js:99)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:100)
at d (jquery.min.js:190)
at XMLHttpRequest.b (jquery.min.js:202)
Any idea?
Thanks & Regards,
Ref: We are getting this error in the console whenever we try out of the box text component
Can you be more specific:
1. What are you doing when you get the error ? Steps that leads to the error
2. What version of the product ?
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I just tried this on my side and OOTB text component works without any issues on AEM 6.4
Can you try to remove the custom code and test if you still see the same issue?
Another way to test is to point the "sling:resourceSuperType" to "core/wcm/components/text/v2/text"
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Hi @hamidk92094312 @JaideepBrar Thank you for your messages.
What are you doing when you get the error ? Steps that leads to the error
As soon as I open the touch ui dialog with RTE configured, I see that javascript error and it's not showing rich text editor.
What version of the product ?
AEM 6.0
I tried to use sling:resourceSuperType as well but that didn't help.
Another interesting observation, We have another template A where I tried to drop this component with RTE configured, I can see it working in that page with template A. While the template B page is throwing javascript error, and RTE doesn't work in touchUI dialog, may be something conflicting ? How can I debug this type of issue?
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I am just adding a point, It seems you are using core component in 6.0
That could be the reason because I can"t see any version of core component which is fully compatible with 6.0
aem-core-wcm-components/VERSIONS.md at master · adobe/aem-core-wcm-components · GitHub
You may try with foundation Text components.
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Hi Arun,
Thank you for your reply. We are not using core components, we managed to fix it by using extraClientlibs="cq.authoring.dialog.rte.coralui2" in touchUI dialog. RTE is now showing up but it didn't show "paraformat" options as we were using sling:resourceSuperType and loading RTE from xml file, we had to copy all the RTE options and add uiSettings node to the dialog xml file in order for us to have completely working RTE in touchUI dialog. Classic UI dialog still loads them from generic xml.
TouchUI dialog had to have all them copied to dialog xml file. If anyone knows how to generalise options so that both classic UI and touchUI dialogs load RTE from common xml file, that would great. I saw one of the related post Custom RTE not working with aem page template/property
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Please check to reuse RTE config
How to Architect a RTE Solution for AEM Touch UI Dialog