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RTE Anchor tag in aem 6.5.


Level 2

Hi folks,

 I am Working in AEM 6.5 . My requirement is to add the Anchor tag in RTE. I have installed the latest configuration file(core.wcm.components.config-2.15.2.)

Anchor plugin is showing in the edit mode dialog.

Included the anchor toolbar under UI settings ->cui->inline->in toolbar  : links #anchor

But adding the anchor tag in the plugin, the tag is not getting created. Did I miss anything as a part of anchor Tag functionalities.


Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

8 Replies


Level 10

Hi @Bhavani_B,

  • Cross check if you have enabled "Link Formatting" in Policy/Design dialog of Text component. 
  • Select the complete text for which you need to associate the anchor and provide name -> You should be able to see the same in markup. (Cross check in WCMMode disabled)
  • Then hyperlink the desired text(say from other text component) to this created anchor as above using regular "link"/modify link option where the path will be "#textyouprovidedinprevioustep" 


Level 2
Hi Vijayalakshmi_S, I am using static template for the page. so couldn't able to give the permission for link formatting for the policies.


Level 10

Hi @Bhavani_B,

Core components don't work with Classic UI nor with Static templates. 






Level 2

Thanks Vijayalakshmi_S ,

For this confirmation. Adding anchor tag in the above way will not work for static templates. So we need to explicitly add the anchor tag JS files to achieve the requirement right. 


Community Advisor

Please refer to the following URL to get more details on enabling Anchor - https://youtu.be/EVXOqv6b3lU


Albin I



Level 2
hi Albin, I have followed the same steps in the video to meet my requirement. Still, facing the issue mentioned above


Level 10

Hi @Bhavani_B,

Anchor feature is available as part of Link Plugin OOTB. (No need of any JS) The way the plugin is activated is through Policy for core Text components in Editable templates. 

Given that you are using static templates, you cannot make use of Core Text component/your custom project component cannot inherit from Core Text component. 


The way forward is to make your project text component inherit from /libs/wcm/foundation/components/text and override the cq:dialog and cq:editConfig with all desired plugins and uiSettings.


Please update this thread if you have issues enabling plugin this way. 


Level 2
Thanks for your Reply. This issue persist because of no Anchor tag (<a id="xxx"></a>)

is appended on click of anchor/Jump icon in the RTE. This issue is solved once the useFixedInlineToolbar Property is added in the dialog/component.

Appreciate your suggestions.