<<edited by moderator - long title: original thread title com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutConfigManagerFactoryImpl RolloutConfig /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/default/jcr:content is invalid >>
Hi All,
The below exception is repeatedly occurring in our AEM instance, Please let us know why this exception is concurring and how to resolve this issue.
28.03.2016 06:23:47.860 *ERROR* [ [1459160627445] GET /content/mercer/asia-pacific/jp/ja/services/information-solutions.pages.json HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutConfigManagerFactoryImpl RolloutConfig /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/default/jcr:content is invalid: Failed to resolve Factory with id contentUpdate, maybe Service is uninstalled.
I am waiting for your quick response.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards,
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Couple of things that I can think of :
#1] May be check if the path "/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/default/jcr:content/contentUpdate" exists in the repository and no issues there.
#2] In one of our custom rollout implementations, "/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/Custom/jcr:content/customupdate" is the node present and it is referred in the snippet
public class CustomLiveActionFactory implements LiveActionFactory<LiveAction>
value = "customupdate")
So, may be there is some issue with the associated service when installed in the repository.
I am having the same exact issue as well. I get the same message in the error logs and cannot figure out why. I have searched and searched and have come up empty handed. Did you figure this out?
/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/default/jcr:content/contentUpdate does exist in my JCR and we are not using a custom rollout. We are just using (and referencing) the default contentUpdate node.
Not sure if this will resolve the issue, but can you try restarting MSM bundles[msm-api and msm-core] and see if that helps.
Hello, thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that did not resolve my issue.
Still looking for a solution to this. I have done everything imaginable to solve this and keep coming up empty handed. jayaramireddyv38357170, any luck?
Does anybody find solution?
We have the same issue on AEM 6.3.
Time to time such error appears in error.log and rollout is not working.
Instance restart temporary fix issue, but it's appears again after some time(May be after new restart).
Did anyone find a solution to this issue? I face a similar issue in AEM 6.4 where I am creating a custom rollout config. This custom rollout config works if I add out of the box liveSyncActions. But on adding custom actions, I get a similar error.
We are running in to the same issue on AEM 6.2. Is there any solution for this issue or heard from Adobe?