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Rollout a single product from a catalog


Level 1

Hi people,


My actual code is rolling out all the products from a catalog, using the method:


rolloutChanges (Page  master, Page  target, boolean reset) - docs


I'm trying to rollout to generate the product pages from this catalog, but specifying what product I want to rollout and generate the product page. I've tried the other documentation methods:


executeProductRolloutHooks (Resource productComponent);

executePageRolloutHooks (Page page, boolean reset);


but nothing seems to work.


Don't know if I was clear to explain what I'm trying to do.


Thanks in advance for the help.


Edit: using AEM version 6.5


When I tried to use executeProductRolloutHooks, it always give a null pointer exception and don't generates the pages.

1 Reply



 @Vijay_Katoch @Sachin_Arora_ @kaikubad @aanchal-sikka @ManviSharma @Esteban666 @Sady_Rifat @partyush @Shivanandh @B_Sravan @ksh_ingole7 @Pawan-Gupta @SivakumarKanoori 

It would be highly beneficial if you could please dedicate some time to examine this AEM question and provide your valuable expertise. Furthermore, if you could offer the author some direction to resolve the issue, it would be deeply appreciated.

Kautuk Sahni