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Returning link paths using Multifield


Level 7

I have a doubt. I'm trying to return a link path but it's coming in a string format. How to return a hyperlink that will point to the exact page instead of returning the path as a string?

4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Sanjana12 


You just need to put the String in href attribute of anchor tag so that the hyperlink is added.

Please see the below code for <a> tag.


<div data-sly-list.item="${books.bookDetailsWithMap}">

        <p> Book : <b>${item.bookname} </b></p>
        <a href="${item.booksubject}"> Book Link</a> 


Level 7

Actually we have to wrap both of them into href otherwise it's not working


Employee Advisor

Hi @Sanjana12 ,


Any string added to href of anchor will show it as a link.

Can you please explain a little to understand the exact issue.




Level 7

When I'm putting the link path within href attribute, it's just returning the string value. But only when I'm wrapping the link path with the title name or whatsoever within anchor tag, it's rendering a hyperlink.