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restore All default workflow


Level 3

Hi All,

How to restore All default workflows in AEM 6.1 with SP2. Please provide the steps. we have taken the workflow as a package and install in instance which doesn't contains workflows. Once we installed that package, DAM update asset workflow is working fine for one image and from next upload image on words, workflow is going to stale mode, please provide the solution. 

17 Replies



You need to clarify the question. The /etc/workflow/launcher in CRX/DE has all launchers. Create a package and install it in the instance you need to restore froma fresh AEM instance. What does log say when it error out a workflow?


Level 3


Process execution result an error is the error that we are getting when workflow is going to stale mode. Please help me to resolve this.




what is appearing in your error.log file? The problem may be in your content and not your workflow, you need to get to the cause of why your workflows are going stale.




Level 3

Thanks Opkar for the update.


Following is the error that we are getting:


time=2016-09-23 19:49:07,946; thread=[JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/server1/2016-09-23/model_2469947358369859:/content/dam/ra/heroBanner/Rethinking Conventional Wisdom -Hero.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original]; logger=c.d.c.w.c.CQWorkflowProcessRunner;  message=Process execution resulted in an error: null; tenantName=NA; userName=NA;

        at com.day.cq.workflow.compatibility.CQWorkflowProcessRunner.execute(CQWorkflowProcessRunner.java:93)

        at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.HandlerBase.executeProcess(HandlerBase.java:184)

        at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler.process(JobHandler.java:232)

time=2016-09-23 19:49:07,946; thread=[JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/server1/2016-09-23/model_2469947358369859:/content/dam/ra/heroBanner/Rethinking Conventional Wisdom -Hero.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original]; logger=c.a.g.w.core.job.JobHandler;  message=Process execution resulted in an error; tenantName=NA; userName=NA;

com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException: Process execution resulted in an error

        at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.HandlerBase.executeProcess(HandlerBase.java:194)

        at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler.process(JobHandler.java:232)

Caused by: com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException: Failed to execute process

        at com.day.cq.workflow.compatibility.CQWorkflowProcessRunner.execute(CQWorkflowProcessRunner.java:108)

        at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.HandlerBase.executeProcess(HandlerBase.java:184)

        at com.day.cq.workflow.compatibility.CQWorkflowProcessRunner.execute(CQWorkflowProcessRunner.java:93)



and Problem is not with the content and same image we are uploading in our local and some other environments, Workflow is not going to stale mode. 


Please provide the solution else Please let me know, how to restore default workflow in AEM 6.1 with SP2.



So it is the DAM Update Asset workflow that is failing? Did you modify it?

What is different about the server that is failing: Is it a standalone instance or Mongo cluster?

Simply overwriting the workflow may not fix the underlying issue.




Level 3

Hi Opkar,

yes, DAM update asset workflow is failing, we didn't modify that. we have taken the package from other environment, where workflow is working fine.  I guess there is no difference of the environment. if  you know the steps to get it back the default out of box work flow, please give else if you have clean package, Please send it as a attachment. 



What is different about the server that is failing: Is it a standalone instance or Mongo cluster?


Level 3
        Mongo cluster instance.



I have seen something similar before and it's not an issue with the workflow. You need to check the cluster topology, as this is used to distribute jobs in a cluster and if both of your author instances are not uniquely identified, then each author instance is behaving like a separate cluster, so each will try and run the workflow, which will cause your workflows to fail and go into a stale state.  The topology view should show all the instances in your cluster, if that is not the case you will have issues. Can you check all your instances to see how many nodes are present?

How many nodes do you have in your mongo cluster?


Level 3
        If those instances are not unique,  is there any way to make those those unique,  suppose if I am copying the work flows from stand alone to Mongo cluster vice versa, how to resolve the issue. Same case from stand alone to stand alone,  how to resolve the issue.




It is the repository which needs to be unique, like I said it's nothing to do with the actual workflow, your repository is not configured properly.

I have seen this issue when customers have cloned/copied an instance to create a new instance in the mongo cluster, have you done this recently?

Is this your production system?

Have you checked http://<server name>:<port number>/system/console/status-topology How many nodes are present and how many nodes do you actually have in your mongo cluster?




Level 3

Yes Opkar, 

we recently copied the instance. I opened the topology. I am not able under stand anything. 

No it's not a production environment, it is our lower environments.

I attaching the those text file and please go through those and please let me know, if you know any solution. 




just delete the attached files in your previous post as they have your ip addresses in them. You should really contact daycare about this or have someone with more experience of AEM help you, the following steps are not for an inexperienced person to carry out. IF you have two nodes in your cluster, shut one of them down and perform the following actions on the other.

The steps below need to be performed on one of the nodes in the cluster, assuming you have two nodes in your mongo cluster. You must shutdown and back-up your instance before attempting any of the steps.

  1. Backup you instance
  2. Create and download a package of the node /var/discovery
  3. Delete the node /var/discovery/impl
  4. Shutdown the instance
  5. Find and delete the file named "sling.id.file", it will be somewhere under /crx-quickstart
  6. Restart both instances
  7. When you go to the node http://<server name>:<port number>/system/console/status-topology you should see there are two nodes in the cluster.
  8. Import a file and confirm the workflow does not end up in a stale state





How did you get on Lakshmi?


Level 3

No Opkar ,we followed above steps,it's not working,. We are not able to delete  /var/discovery folder. we performed other steps, but it is not working. One more thing is, we are using stand alone instance, it's not clustered instance.If you have the steps to restore for stand alone instance, please provide the steps ASAP.


Level 3

hi opkar, do you have any solution for this, if you have, please provide the solution.



Did you create a package with the workflow model from /etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset from a good server and install on it on the other server?