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Replace image field in the Universal Editor


Level 1

Hello, I want to replace or substitute a UE field with a React component through extensions.


Captura de pantalla 2025-03-25 a las 9.05.08.png

The field is the one that says *Image which I want to replace.

In my extensions project I have the following code.

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-25 a las 9.07.19.png

I've tried different data types like Image, image, media, and multi, but I haven't been able to replace that field.

Could you tell me which data type is right for it?



1 Reply



Hi Ricardo,


To be able to provide an alternative field renderer in Universal Editor, the field "component" property in the "component-models.json" must match the "dataType" property in the "getRenderers" call. With the code above all field with "component": "image", "media" and "richtext" should get the alternative render.


What is the definition of your field in "component-models.json"?

